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Thread: Testing My Smugmug

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Testing My Smugmug

    Has anyone had this problem posting images from smugmug to a forum lately?

    I have been using smugmug for years with absolutely no problems. In the past, in order to post an image on a forum I selected the image from the gallery and chose SHARE, then GET A LINK from the drop down menu and then EMBEDDABLE LINKS. Finally, I chose FORUMS and selected BBCode-large by clicking on the appropriate COPY button.

    However, the COPY button is no longer working for me. It does nothing. I emailed smugmug and was told that there was a glitch with Internet Explorer preventing the COPY button from working and that as an alternate, I should just highlight the URL of the image I want to post and then copy and paste it. A bit of a PITA but, if it works, I have no big complaints. This is just a test to see if this routine will work to post an image on this forum.

    Testing My Smugmug

  2. #2

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    Re: Testing My Smugmug

    I went to your smugmug site and (in Google Chrome browser) right-clicked on an image and chose "copy image URL" from the drop-down. Then pasted that into the "Insert Image" dialog on this site . . .

    Testing My Smugmug

    Seems to work and, now that the major browsers all copy each other, you should be able to do similar in Explorer, AFIK.


  3. #3

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    Re: Testing My Smugmug

    Richard, I'm not familiar with smugmug, but with a lot of image websites you can just doubleclick on the url to highlight it instead of dragging along the length of the url.

  4. #4
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Testing My Smugmug


    I had exactly the same problem recently, using Firefox, except that in my case, the buttons appeared white. The buttons worked fine if I switched browsers.

    The problem turned out to be an extension, yontoo runtime, that I had no recollection of installing. I suspect that a web page had installed it without permission. Once I removed it Smugmug worked again. Oddly enough, this extension did not cause the problem on a second computer.

    never use IE, but if it has extensions or add ins, you could try turning them off. If the buttons than work, you can isolate which one is the cause.


  5. #5
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Testing My Smugmug

    Quote Originally Posted by xpatUSA View Post
    I went to your smugmug site and (in Google Chrome browser) right-clicked on an image and chose "copy image URL" from the drop-down. Then pasted that into the "Insert Image" dialog on this site . . .

    Seems to work and, now that the major browsers all copy each other, you should be able to do similar in Explorer, AFIK.

    Thank you!

    I tried the copy button after opening in Google Chrome as well as in Mozilla Firefox and in both cases the copy button works. I don't know why it doesn't work when accessing plain Google using Internet Explorer.

    However, when I use Mozilla Firefox the home page web browser that it wants me to use is MyStart by Blekko. I don't like MyStart but, I can't find how to select Google as my home page.

    I am just getting damned sick of my computer being invaded by things I don't want and which I have not selected such as Blekko...

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    Re: Testing My Smugmug

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    Thank you!

    However, when I use Mozilla Firefox the home page web browser that it wants me to use is MyStart by Blekko. I don't like MyStart but, I can't find how to select Google as my home page.

    I am just getting damned sick of my computer being invaded by things I don't want and which I have not selected such as Blekko...
    Been a while since I've used FireFox. As I recall you select Tools > Options and there is where to set the home page. If you're already in the page you want, there's a button you click and . . . goodbye Bleccho! Sorry that I can't give you the exact steps, but FF isn't loaded on my computer.

    Good luck!

  7. #7

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    Re: Testing My Smugmug

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post

    However, when I use Mozilla Firefox the home page web browser that it wants me to use is MyStart by Blekko. I don't like MyStart but, I can't find how to select Google as my home page.
    Try 'Edit'->'Preferences' from he menu, then in the 'general' tab look at the 'startup' section. (That is in Firefox 13.0.1 (?) under linux)

  8. #8
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    Re: Testing My Smugmug

    Hi everyone, Zac here from SmugMug. We're sorry that the Copy button is currently broken! We are aware of the issues and hopefully the engineers can have that fixed soon. In the meantime, use the highlight method described above.

  9. #9
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Stranger and stranger...

    After several weeks of the "copy" button not working to share images from my site; it suddenly began working again. I don't know how or why but, I am happy that it is again working correctly...

  10. #10
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Stranger and stranger...

    With Firefox 13.0.1 under Windows, Remco has most of it. The menu choice is Tools_Options. The home page options are the first thing on the General tab.

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