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Thread: Niah Cave

  1. #1
    teokf's Avatar
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    Niah Cave

    It was holiday season on my side of the world. I traveled with my wife to the Niah Caves in Sarawak. It is an interesting place besides the caves. I was bowled over by the size of the main cave. And these are my interpretation to show case it's enormous size. C & C welcome

    1. from outside in

    Niah Cave

    2. from inside out

    Niah Cave

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Andre Burger

    Re: Niah Cave

    Hi Steven.
    Wonderful images, however!!!
    Trying to show the viewer how big something is you need to have an object in the image that the viewer can assosiate with, like a human. In image 2 I think I see people far away in the back on a rock and that really gives me an indication of how big the cave is.
    IMHO I would say #2 is the better of the two. (Watch out for lens flare.)

    Well Done.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    South Devon, UK

    Re: Niah Cave

    The first one does look a lot better at full screen size. I would clone out whatever is hanging down from the top left corner though.

  4. #4
    HDphotography's Avatar
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    Re: Niah Cave

    I like image # 2. Personally, I would get rid of the obvious lens flare.

  5. #5
    teokf's Avatar
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    Re: Niah Cave

    Andre, the original 1st pix with a higher resolution has two humans on the top of the stair case. I am also thinking, wouldn't a man made structure (the stair case) give the sense scale to a pix? Thanks for the thoughts and comments.

    Geoff, the "whatever" that is hanging down is a wooden pole where the bird's nest harvester would use it to climb to the ceiling where the nests are located. The pole (there are a few of them) is permanently fixed to the ceiling of the cave. I have no idea how they did it.

    Hemant, thanks for taking the time to comment

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