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Having a camera converted to IR is a great way to shoot because of the near normal exposure times, rather then the eons of time it takes when shooting with a filter in front of the lens. I use a converted Canon D60 as my full-time IR camera. I shoot in AV because I like to use an f/11 or f/16 aperture. However, I tend to shoot using exposure compensation in one stop intervals. Shooting in 3-shot bursts usually gives me at least one very usable exposure.
Some thoughts on full-time infrared.
I have not tried to do an HDR composite with IR and I don't really know why. Has anyone ever tried this?
Additionally, has anyone ever tried a night cityscape using IR?
Finally, although I really like the results from my converted D60, I probably should have converted a 350D which I owned so I could use my EFS lenses. The 350D would also have been a bit lighter in weight.
I have often thought that it would be nice to have a small, but good quality, P&S converted to IR. That way, I could just slip it in a pocket of my shooting vest and always have IR capability without the weight and bulk of the larger camera. I wanted to shoot some IR during my April trip to China but, since I was carrying 30D AND a 40D cameras and the extra weight of the D60 would have been, IMO, just too much.