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Thread: B&W Post processing?

  1. #1
    JAMcCready's Avatar
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    B&W Post processing?

    First of let me say up front that I'm a little dumb on a few things.. so this is my 1st real dumb question of many to follow, I am sure of this...

    My Nikon P300 does not shoot raw.. is there any thing I can do to make my B&W photos POP? Is there any way to give it that Plus X or Tri-X look? Correct me if I am wrong, but I am under the impression that a .JPG cannot be altered.

    If you would be so kind as to direct me... I would be in your debt.

    Kind Regards,


  2. #2
    Evn1ngStar's Avatar
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    Re: B&W Post processing?


    It would be helpful to know what software you use to point out the best way to pp. And yes jpeg certainly can be altered, you just get better control overall when you shoot raw.


  3. #3
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: B&W Post processing?

    You can convert any file into monochrome, doesn't really matter if it is a RAW or a jpeg.

    If you're looking for a software solution that has built in film simulations then try Nik Silver Efex Pro 2 I use it all the time and it is brilliant.

  4. #4
    JAMcCready's Avatar
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    Re: B&W Post processing?

    Quote Originally Posted by Evn1ngStar View Post
    It would be helpful to know what software you use to point out the best way to pp. And yes jpeg certainly can be altered, you just get better control overall when you shoot raw.
    Hi Yvonne,
    Thanks for the quick response. To tell you the truth... I am an old film guy that knows next to nothing about digital photography. All I have on my iMac is ViewNX2 and iPhoto... I know what your thinking what a rookie! What should I use?

    Kind Regards,


  5. #5
    rob marshall

    Re: B&W Post processing?


    The problem is not just that you can't shoot RAW. The sensor in your camera is only 6x4mm and it's cramming in 12MP. In contrast, a standard DSLR sensor is about 22x14mm, and a full frame, like the Canon 5D is 36x24mm. Your camera will take decent quality shots provided they are not blown up too much, or edited too much, but if you start pushing it you will notice a deterioration in image quality.

    Depending on what software you have, you can certainly convert to BW, but some packages such as Silver Efex do much better with a shot that comes from RAW. If you want to send me one of your colour JPEGS, I'll have a go at converting it and see what the image quality is like. You need to set up an account, but it's free. Or maybe you have an account elsewhere.

  6. #6
    JAMcCready's Avatar
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    Re: B&W Post processing?

    Quote Originally Posted by black pearl View Post
    If you're looking for a software solution that has built in film simulations then try Nik Silver Efex Pro 2 I use it all the time and it is brilliant.
    WOW you are quick too. Interesting link... I see they have a 15 day trial... did not see anything about the cost... Thanks for the link, I'm going to look into it!

    Thanks a bunch,


  7. #7
    JAMcCready's Avatar
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    Re: B&W Post processing?

    Quote Originally Posted by rob marshall View Post
    The problem is not just that you can't shoot RAW. The sensor in your camera is only 6x4mm and it's cramming in 12MP. In contrast, a standard DSLR sensor is about 22x14mm, and a full frame, like the Canon 5D is 36x24mm. Your camera will take decent quality shots provided they are not blown up too much, or edited too much, but if you start pushing it you will notice a deterioration in image quality.
    I know your right on this, however I wanted to get into digital photography with a decent camera and the Nikon P300 fit the bill far as price point and I don't have anything else to buy. I'm shooting right out of the P300 box and getting some nice results. I don't plan on making the pictures to big or doing a lot of editing. Just like in audio if it's more than a little then it's probably to much!
    Quote Originally Posted by rob marshall View Post
    Depending on what software you have, you can certainly convert to BW, but some packages such as Silver Efex do much better with a shot that comes from RAW. If you want to send me one of your colour JPEGS, I'll have a go at converting it and see what the image quality is like. You need to set up an account, but it's free. Or maybe you have an account elsewhere.
    As mentioned in another post on this tread the only software I have is ViewNX2 and iPhoto. Most of my shots are in the Nikon setting of High Contrast Monochrome... Get ready for another dumb question are you supposed to shoot in color 1st?

    Kind Regards,


  8. #8
    rob marshall

    Re: B&W Post processing?

    Quote Originally Posted by JAMcCready View Post
    Get ready for another dumb question are you supposed to shoot in color 1st?
    I know you don't have RAW, but just so I don't confuse others... If you shoot BW in RAW it's still in colour. The Image you see on the back-screen when shooting in BW with RAW is just a generated JPEG so you can see what it might look like. I shoot in RAW and set my mode to BW so I can check the look of it in the field. But the RAW comes out in colour and needs converting.

    If you shoot in JPEG (which you will) then setting BW mode will cause the shot to view in BW in the camera and download to you PC in BW. But you can then still edit it to improve the BW finish. You can also shoot your shot in colour JPEG and convert in processing to BW, but you won't know what it looks like until you download it, and you don't get a chance to reshoot.

    That's the difference between the two.

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    Re: B&W Post processing?

    Quote Originally Posted by JAMcCready View Post
    WOW you are quick too. Interesting link... I see they have a 15 day trial... did not see anything about the cost... Thanks for the link, I'm going to look into it!

    If you do download the trial of Silver Efex Pro 2 (SEP2), please note that a huge number of people around the world are having major problems with it which Nik (the developer) are working to resolve. Robin is one of the lucky ones for whom the software seems to be working okay.

    There long lists of people communicating directly with Nik support directly and also via the Nik forums trying to find solutions.

  10. #10
    JAMcCready's Avatar
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    Re: B&W Post processing?

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    If you do download the trial of Silver Efex Pro 2 (SEP2), please note that a huge number of people around the world are having major problems with it which Nik (the developer) are working to resolve. Robin is one of the lucky ones for whom the software seems to be working okay.

    There long lists of people communicating directly with Nik support directly and also via the Nik forums trying to find solutions.
    I did take a look at the software and at a price of $199.95 US it is probably more money than I want to spend on my hobby at this time. Perhaps there is a cheaper solution?

  11. #11

    Re: B&W Post processing?

    Jerry, I can see what you are trying for and appreciate that you will not be looking at software for $200. You could try the following;

    Download GIMP (for whatever operating system you are using). It is open source, very reliable, close to photoshop in what it can do and best of all it is free.

    Once that is done download this plugin this provides scripts that will convert your image to old colour film styles...bear with me

    And then THIS This script allows you to convert the image to a multitude of different b/w film types

    The first link also describes to place the scripts in the script registry

    Oh and you may also want to add THIS to your scripts. This script will will allow you to add film grain.

    All scripts will be placed in the GIMP menu system - you may need to hunt for them at first. But give me a shout if you cant find them.

    Open your image with GIMP. pply the Velvia colour film script. If you find this blows any light areas (sky for instance) undo and skip this step.

    Then apply a b/w film effect - there are plenty to try so experiment - I use HP5 because I used to use it in film days.

    That done, adjust levels and if necessary curves. You will find tutorials on how to do that on CiC in the tutorials sections. Then go to the GIMP menu and increase the contrast to taste. B/W conversions will stand a fair bit more contrast than colour. Then use the GIMP unsharp mask to sharpen the image - again B/W will stand slightly more agressive sharpening. Last of all apply film grain if you wish to.

    It all sound a bit complicated but it can be done in a few seconds...honest. If you decide to go this route and get stuck PM me and I will try to help.

    This image was produced using the method above

    B&W Post processing?

  12. #12
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: B&W Post processing?

    Have a play with iPhoto - its not a bad bit of software and it will get your eye in.

    B&W Post processing?

    iPhone 4 - iPhoto

  13. #13
    JAMcCready's Avatar
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    Re: B&W Post processing?

    Quote Originally Posted by Wirefox View Post
    B&W Post processing?
    First off let me say that B&W shot is SICK! As in DAMN that's good! I just love it. Thanks for taking the time to outline this for me. When I get some time I gonna download all this stuff and give it a go. If I run into any problems, you'll be the first one i turn too. Hopefully this will give me the results that I am looking for. Watch out Plus-X and Tri-X here I come!!! Again thanks for all the info... and that print is still SICK!

  14. #14
    JAMcCready's Avatar
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    Re: B&W Post processing?

    Quote Originally Posted by black pearl View Post
    Have a play with iPhoto - its not a bad bit of software and it will get your eye in.
    Hi Robin,
    I have never used iPhoto... Guess it is time to explore... Thanks for the Tip!

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