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Thread: Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop Elements?

  1. #1
    GreenTea's Avatar
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    Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop Elements?

    I don't like to edit my photos for special effects, just to correct exposure, remove cables, crop, add sharpness, blur the background, and the like.

    I see that Paint Shop Pro and Photoshop Elements cost the same (100$).

    Which do you guys say would best fit my needs?

    Or is there other photo editing software that'd be enough?

    Currently I use Picasa, but it's become too basic. It doesn't have cloning, for example. I've tried Gimp (couldn't figure it out) and Faststone (which I only use for the Watermark now).

  2. #2

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    Re: Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop Elements?

    In my opinion...and working with people new to post processing I normally recommend Paint Shop Pro due to its large number of free PS type Plugins and scripts to work X2 I recommend turning off the organizer as it tends to cripple the program...

    Another popular free approach is the free Paint Dot Net which will do most of the things you want....but I recommend supporting it with IrFanview which can be set up for editing and will run the many free PS Plugins that PDN does not support....Faststone adds the browser needed...

    I use all of the above along with Gimp, many times moving a layer copy back and forth between them to add a specific effect...

    I am not a fan of Photoshop Elements....
    Last edited by willgoss; 11th November 2008 at 02:00 AM.

  3. #3
    CNelson's Avatar
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    Re: Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop Elements?

    I don't have Elements but I have Paint Shop Pro Photo X2 and Photoshop CS3. I find PSP X2 very intuitive compared to Photoshop. I use it a little more than CS3 as it's easier and quicker for many things.


  4. #4
    GreenTea's Avatar
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    Re: Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop Elements?

    I downloaded the PSP 4 version trial, and I don't find it very intuitive. I'm having to read the manual to be able to do anything at all, and even so I'm finding it hard....

  5. #5
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop Elements?

    I have Elements 6, but 7 is out now, I assume it'll have the same 3 levels of edit user interface as 6, basically you can wizard (guided) edit, quick edit, or when proficient, full edit. and the organisers not bad either. I came to it from Picasa without any problems. I did buy the Neat Image noise reduction plug-in, the two total about 100 GBP (70+30).

    No recent experience of PSP or GIMP to compare with

    Cheers, Dave
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 11th November 2008 at 07:59 PM.

  6. #6
    shreds's Avatar
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    Re: Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop Elements?

    Its a while since I used PSP, but if that is proving hard to handle, then I would avoid Photoshop in its different guises too.

    However I recently used Adobe Lightroom 2, which whilst not as comprehensive as PS, it is designed specifically for photographers and seemed very intuitive to me. You can get a trial version to see if you like it from the Adobe website.

    Other than that, welcome to the lengthy world of learning computer software!

  7. #7
    jacsul's Avatar
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    Re: Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop Elements? Once Again

    Ok, let me dig this thread back up... I'm currently using PSE-5 and it's definitely time for a much needed upgrade. Can anyone give me the pros and cons of your program of choice?

    I've downloaded both trial versions and so far it seems PSE runs slower and I'm not sure which program has more bells and whistles.

    As far as skill level "I'm Green", still working on developing a creative eye . So there's room for image manipulation .

    Thanks in advance.


  8. #8
    crisscross's Avatar
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    Re: Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop Elements?

    As a Nikon Capture NX2 user and neutral between actual quality of these 2, I nevertheless suggest you go for Elements

    This is because serious users usually end up with full Photoshop and you may as well be learning how to use it, Elements is very similar. However your £/$ s on it are wasted as you get no credit for it on newer PSE or PS.....You may find cheaper copies of PSE4,5,6 on ebay.

    Unless you happen to be a Nikon owner and owner of a fast modern computer, in which case NX2 will at least equal PS on actual editing and you can afford to have a copy of PSE for the odd things it won't do - my PSE4 seems perfectly adequate as a supplement.

  9. #9

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    Re: Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop Elements? Once Again

    Quote Originally Posted by jacsul View Post
    I'm currently using PSE-5 and it's definitely time for a much needed upgrade. Can anyone give me the pros and cons of your program of choice?
    Hi Jack,

    Whatever package you decide to use, my suggestion is to also make a small investment in a few books to help you get the most out of it.

    I'm not familiar with all of the programs out there, but without a doubt, Photoshop and Photoshop Elements are not only extremely capable and industry-leading products, but also have by far the biggest number of resources available to help you get the most out of them (free web articles - internet users in help forums - printed books etc), which in my opinion is THE most important factor.

    Personally, I must admit to finding it more than a little frustrating when people need help with the finer points of post processing and myself and others can only give instructions referencing PS / PSE tools, but they can't follow them because they're using another product; so could well end up in a situation where another product is a lot cheaper (or even free), but you may only have one or two people who can help you use it whereas with PS and PSE you may get helps from dozens of people.

    In this case I believe it's far easier to just follow the path blazed by others; if you do decide to take the PS/PSE route then I'd be happy to recommend a few books to help you get the most out if it.

    It's been my personal observation that many people shy away from the likes of full-blown Photoshop because they percieve it to be more than they need - but I think it's important to keep in mind that it's more a case of Photoshop having many tools for many jobs ... and nothing says that every tool will be needed for every job nor that every person will use every tool; it's just nice to know that they're their if you DO need to use them (as I suspect is often the case as people "move up a level" and start trying to fix trickier things with their images.) The down-sides unfortunately are initial cost and computer resources needed to run it.

  10. #10

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    Re: Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop Elements?

    I found Serif Photo Plus suits me, currently using version X2, which I find more user friendly than Photoshop. Providing you disable the 'idiot mode'. And the Help files are very comprehensive. They also do a useful 'starter guide' book.

    But whatever system you use it will take a while to get the hang of things and achieve maximum results. I like to print out all of the Help pages and have a good read before trying anything too complicated.

  11. #11

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    Re: Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop Elements?

    ps. Just had a phone call from Serif and eventually agreed to try Photo Plus version X3. They say that it now has it's own RAW editing studio and is equal to Photoshop CS2 but only a tenth of the price.

    'They would say that wouldn't they.' I find you have to be very firm with the sales team to only order what you really need, and get a good discount. Anyway, in about a week I should know more about this programme.

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    Re: Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop Elements?

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    ps. Just had a phone call from Serif and eventually agreed to try Photo Plus version X3. They say that it now has it's own RAW editing studio and is equal to Photoshop CS2 but only a tenth of the price.
    ... I'm not sure that them saying it's now as good as a package that's obsolete is much of an advertisement either

  13. #13
    batman44's Avatar
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    Re: Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop Elements?

    Just thought I would put my "newbie" 2 cents in here. I use corel paint shop pro photo x2 and have to say I love it! I played with it for a few months - not knowing one thing on what to do so I used the internet..."google" for how too's and "youtube" also has some great video tutorials. There is also a book that has great explanations on the tricks.... easy to understand - not too technical. Just in case you're interested: "picture yourself learning corel paint shop pro photo x2 by Diane Koers.

    Hope this helps a little!!!!!


  14. #14

    Re: Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop Elements?

    Before you part with your hard earned cash I would recommend giving GIMP a try. It is open source software and I find it does everything I need and a lot more. Raw files are opened immediately into UFRaw where you can tinker with the image attributes until your hearts content. When you are done you can transfer the image direct to GIMP so the workflow is seamless. GIMP which has very similar functionality to Photoshop although not quite as polished. Just my 2 cents worth.

  15. #15

    Re: Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop Elements?

    Quote Originally Posted by crisscross View Post
    However your £/$ s on it are wasted as you get no credit for it on newer PSE or PS.....

    That's not correct, actually. It is possible to get the benefit of an upgrade price if going from an older to a newer version of PSE, and even to full PS CS4 (from PSE v4 onwards).

    I recently benefited from Adobe's offer to registered owners of PSE v7 to upgrade to CS4 for half the full price.

    Anyone considering upgrading should check the Shop on

  16. #16
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop Elements?

    Quote Originally Posted by GillR View Post
    I recently benefited from Adobe's offer to registered owners of PSE v7 to upgrade to CS4 for half the full price.
    Hi Gill,

    Ah, so it wasn't just me that got that offer (I have PSE6), I didn't take it in the end, I put the money into a new DSLR instead.

    How are you finding CS4 after PSE?


  17. #17

    Re: Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop Elements?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Hi Gill,

    How are you finding CS4 after PSE?

    Hi Dave,

    It's a love/hate thing

    I love some of the new things I can do, and the features I use often which it does better / in a different way to PSE. I hate the amount of time it's taking me to get to grips with all the additional things it can do .... but that's only because I'm an impatient student!

    I wouldn't change back though.

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