6th November 2011, 04:41 PM
Sony NEX-5N - any images on the forum
Hi all,
I'm seriously considering a Sony NEX-5N as a second camera. The reviews look promising.
I am hoping there might be some top images and comments on the forum from anyone already using one. (tried search but was unsuccessful)
6th November 2011, 06:57 PM
Re: Sony NEX-5N - any images on the forum
I'm shooting with a 5k - (pretty close)
8th November 2011, 01:41 PM
Re: Sony NEX-5N - any images on the forum
i've tried the nex5 also but as far as i know there isn't much difference in terms of picture quality. based on different sources the main difference is the video quality, 1080/60i for the nex5 and 1080/60p for the nex5n and the frames per sec and some other features like touchscreen to be honest it dosen't appeal much to me since it's like a camera phone feature.
8th November 2011, 06:34 PM
Re: Sony NEX-5N - any images on the forum
What I have read on the different sources is that the NEX5N is a big improvement in imagequality compared to the preveous NEX5.
It seems to be better even then the comming NEX7.
I'm doubting to wait for the NEX 7 or go for the NEX 5N.
The only thing that keeps me back is the missing EVF on the NEX5 and the missing hotshoe.
Otherwise I whould go immidiatly for the 5N
Last edited by Hansm; 8th November 2011 at 07:09 PM.
8th November 2011, 09:56 PM
Re: Sony NEX-5N - any images on the forum
You can get a bolt on EVF for the 5N...I like the 5N and 7N over the 5K because of the 20ms shutter (vs 100ms), ISO 100 ( vs 200 min. ), and EVF. 7 has the alpha hotshoe, which is a big plus, and the same sensor as the A77 (phase AF vs. Con. Detect.), which got very favorable reviews by pop. photography. Actually, for the price, it's hard to not get an A77 when you're considering a 7, unless you just have to have a smaller form factor (which is fantastic I must say).
Last edited by PhotoRob; 8th November 2011 at 10:56 PM.
8th November 2011, 10:25 PM
Re: Sony NEX-5N - any images on the forum
I've had the 5N for about 2 months now and it is really a neat little image machine. I bought it as an alternative to my Canon 5DMkII. For me it wont replace the benefits an FF camera gives, but it comes with a lot of other qualities. I am only using alternative glass as I find contrast AF inferior anyway. For me it has meant that I now have ebayed a couple of Contax G Carl Zeiss with really good image quality. And I can use a number of lenses that I already had too. The sensor of the 5N is *really* good for an APC-C, in at least one respect beyond the 5D2, dynamic range. E.g. with the 5N you can lift shadows a lot more. To appreciate it I guess you have to be into PP, but as we are on this site I guess most people are 
To conclude my impressions; the NEX 5N is a gem, and for me it has offered a new kind of photograpy compared to the heavy package a 5D2 represents. It cant replace it when it comes to DOF, AF or noice, but I will for sure keep it as I now have a very capable camera that I can bring with me every day.
This is my first post here on this forum, so I want to see if images are cared for. This is NEX 5N and Contax G 28/2.8. It gives an indication about the DR available (it's not an HDR).
EDIT: this I dont like, the forum reduces image size and forces anyone interested to click on it to see what it was supposed to look like. Too bad :/

DSC00470 1024 by Wilhelm Frank - Stockholm, on Flickr
Last edited by wfrank; 8th November 2011 at 10:31 PM.
9th November 2011, 07:38 AM
Re: Sony NEX-5N - any images on the forum
Hi Frank
since you use the Contax G 28 mm what adapter are you using?
I have a 45 and 90 mm Contax G and want to use it on the NEX when I have it.
there are several different adapters but I cannot figure out now which one is or are really good.
Great image b.t.w.
9th November 2011, 07:54 AM
Re: Sony NEX-5N - any images on the forum
Thanks and congratulations to two really good lenses for the NEX. I have a cheapo kipon-copy out of ebay - they all seem to be made in the same factory anyway. I've read as much complaining on the much more expensive Metabones adapters as with any other. It seem the bigger wheel dont do much good, although I've also read about people that are very happy with it. No adapter will be super-smooth, a real focus ring is better no doubt. My G28 became smoother with usage, the 45/2 and 90/2.8 where smoother from the start.
Last edited by wfrank; 9th November 2011 at 08:03 AM.
9th November 2011, 08:13 AM
Re: Sony NEX-5N - any images on the forum
Thanks Frank,
You are right, lots of complains about all adapters. Make the choice a little difficult but maybe I should start with some cheap adapter and see how it works out.
Did you have to cut the back covers of the 28 mm to avoid scratches? Also about this I read lots of stuff that speak against each other.
I have a 5D MKII as well and also I get a little tired to carry the heavy stuff with me.
The NEX 7 is a serious candidate but the flood seems to have damaged the NEX 7 stock. Delivery will by probably next year.
Still the NEX 5N is in my mind also but then with the EVF. I cannot work well with the LCD on the back. Sold my Dlux 4 because of this reason.
If the delivery of the NEX 7 will take to long I think I go for the NEX 5N.
9th November 2011, 05:45 PM
Re: Sony NEX-5N - any images on the forum
No, I have not done anything with the G28. I've heard that the G21 is a close call but I wont get it because of color fringing problems, even though they are almost gone (I think) with the 5N.
When it comes to NEX 7 it's apity that some functionality get lost, no swivel EVF and no touch screen. The touch screen is paramount for my focusing as I seldom focus in the center, the touch screen lets you magnify any part of the screen without multiple clicks. But maybe the 7 has solved it with intelligent usage of the extra dials, I dont know. Arguably the sensor is better in the 5N, but the debate is still going on. Good luck.
9th November 2011, 10:18 PM
Re: Sony NEX-5N - any images on the forum
10th November 2011, 07:33 AM
Re: Sony NEX-5N - any images on the forum
Hi Ken
This is a review from the "old" Nex-5
Anyway, on this link there is a preview and images also from the NEX 5N
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