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Thread: Camera calibration sliders on ACR

  1. #1
    Alis's Avatar
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    Camera calibration sliders on ACR

    Does anyone here actually use those sliders and if yes how/when?


  2. #2
    Davey's Avatar
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    Sep 2008

    Re: Camera calibration sliders on ACR

    Depends on your camera really but I do use them sometimes because I have a fuji s5600 and even though I have adobe camera profiles installed the colour presets for that cam seem quite out, particularly in some situations, when compared to fuji in house software.

    In my case the default colour response levels for .raf from a finepix s5600 in acr is not as good a match as what fuji software defaults to. Especially scenes with strong blue lighting of a night, hence I only need to tweak the blue channel. I suppose depending on your camera and profile version etc you may never need them.

  3. #3

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    Have a guess :)

    Re: Camera calibration sliders on ACR

    Hi Ali,

    You'll find them covered in the Real World Camera RAW series, but - since the profiles that are built into ACR are based on target shots from production samples - they're really only useful in accounting for any individual variance between your camera and the one the profile was shot with, which is likely to be negligable.

    One other use for them (which may appeal to you) is for biasing the camera colours for particular purposes, like skin tones. And on that note - if you've finished the previous book s that I've recommended then you might like to grab a copy of "Skin" by Lee Varis (it's all about getting great skin tones -- and it's very very good).

    Speaking personally, no, I don't use the sliders - in fact, I rarely go much past the controls on the first tab (unless I have a problem image).

  4. #4
    Alis's Avatar
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    Re: Camera calibration sliders on ACR

    Thanks, Dave and Colin. Very helpful as usual.

    I have to start reading a little bit, I am not going anywhere with just pushing the shutter button
    Last edited by Colin Southern; 4th July 2009 at 02:53 AM.

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    USA - California

    Re: Camera calibration sliders on ACR

    Lol so I was just searching google on the subject and this came up as a result ... I actually did the calibration suggested in "Skin", and was very impressed with the results. It's subtle, yet significant. I think it provides a very solid foundation for further image enhancements. If you already own a Greytag Macbeth (now X-Rite) Color Checker, then give it a try!

    If you're interested for a (very technical) introduction to the ACR Calibration tab, have a look at this page:

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