It is very most likely your technique.
It is a common complaint by many photographers using many cameras - as many do not have correct High ISO / Available Light Techniques.
As said before in this thread you CANNOT underexpose when using High ISO, but a quick glance of the thread and none yet have a 450D to exhibit.
This is a 400D (previous model to yours), purposely chosen as this image was made shooting INTO the light whilst in dark area and the scene has a large dynamic range:
©Image copyright JVW 2010, used with permission
"Solo Prayer - Turkey 2010"
Tech: EOS400D EF35F/2
Shooting: F/3.5 @ 1/100s @
ISO1600 Hand Held, Available Light.
And the Crop:
The EOS60D and EOS7D will perform better at high ISO, than the EOS450D
Ref 400D vs. 450D High ISO Comparison.“There's little visible (or measurable) difference between the EOS 450D and its predecessor [EOS400D] at higher ISO settings, and both show Canon still has a slight edge over its rivals at this end of the market (thanks to superior processing and a more light-handed approach to noise reduction.” (