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Thread: iPad photo viewer with EXIF data

  1. #1
    herbert's Avatar
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    iPad photo viewer with EXIF data

    Dear Apple,

    Why did you leave out the ability to see any EXIF information using the photo viewer on the iPad?

    Dear CiC,

    Anybody know a third party viewer that can show EXIF information? I know that photo development apps exist that can show the EXIF but I just want a simple viewer to navigate images stored on the iPad. There seem to be a wealth of badly written and buggy apps in the AppStore. I would like a good one but do not want to wade through buying multiple apps to find out they are inadequate.



  2. #2

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    Re: iPad photo viewer with EXIF data

    Quote Originally Posted by herbert View Post
    Dear Apple,

    Why did you leave out the ability to see any EXIF information using the photo viewer on the iPad?

    Dear CiC,

    Anybody know a third party viewer that can show EXIF information? I know that photo development apps exist that can show the EXIF but I just want a simple viewer to navigate images stored on the iPad. There seem to be a wealth of badly written and buggy apps in the AppStore. I would like a good one but do not want to wade through buying multiple apps to find out they are inadequate.


    EXIF? Heck, I'd be happy just have original filenames!

    From what I understand (liaising with the developer of Portfolio for iPad), when you transfer images via iTunes, the filenames are stripped off by iTunes, and I wouldn't be surprised if the EXIF data is also stripped (but I'm only summising).

    If it helps, I understand that filenames are NOT stripped when images are imported from the plugin adaptors (USB & SD Card), so don't know if this would be a starting point or not.

    The whole mechanism has been less than ideal for us, as we upload shoot images to one of our iPads for clients to make initial selects, but because we can't retain correct image info, we've previously had to resort to visually matching customer selects to the master copies, which is somewhat inefficient (hoping the new adaptor will cure that though).

    On a final note, Portfolio has matured into a very nice app; initial versions were a bit buggy/unstable, but Ryan has worked hard to track down the bugs, and it's been nice to see it evolve into a solid product (and one of the few that support a rating and rating filter system so I can quickly filter to just the images starred by the clients).

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    herbert's Avatar
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    Re: iPad photo viewer with EXIF data

    Hi Colin,

    In my quest for iPad EXIF I found a thread somewhere (sorry but I lost the source) that suggested that iTunes used to strip the EXIF to reduce image size and save space but this 'feature' was removed from the latest version. To get your EXIF transferred for older images you need to clear the sync cache and then iTunes will resync the photos and they should have EXIF.

    Since my iPad is new I have been using the latest iTunes and iOS 5 (which may coincide with the update to contain EXIF). Therefore I hope that the images I have on my iPad do have EXIF info. I just need some app that will show it.

    I am coming from the same view point as you. I would like to show my images to clients and then be able to track down the original. It is also nice to be able to see the lens and settings so I can talk about how the shot was made. My 'clients' happen to be friends and family but the idea is the same. I need to be able to go back to the originals and print them.

    I did see Portfolio in the app store. It cost more than I would like to pay for a test run. However I may put up the cash if it works. So does Portfolio show the filenames/EXIF from untainted imports?

    I've just done a little search and found EXIF Wizard for iPhone (free) which claims that it cannot show EXIF when importing from iTunes. However the EXIF Wizard Pro for iPad ($1.99) claims it can show EXIF for data synced from the latest iTunes. So it may have changed recently.

    I'll try the free one tonight and see if it works.



  4. #4
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: iPad photo viewer with EXIF data

    Exif Wizard Pro work well showing the EXIF for iPad/iPhone images plus imports from the SD/USB Connection Kit. Once you have the first image up you can swipe through to the previous/next image.

    iPad photo viewer with EXIF data

    .....and yes thats a RAW file from a Nikon J1....iPads rock!
    Last edited by Black Pearl; 30th November 2011 at 04:11 PM.

  5. #5
    herbert's Avatar
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    Re: iPad photo viewer with EXIF data

    Hi Robin,

    Thanks for the info.

    Do you know if the EXIF data show if you are syncing photos with iTunes?


  6. #6
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: iPad photo viewer with EXIF data

    To be honest I don't sync images with iTunes.

    Leave it with me tonight, I'll create a folder, put some images in and give it a try. Are you syncing images taken with your DSLR?

  7. #7
    herbert's Avatar
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    Re: iPad photo viewer with EXIF data

    Hi Robin,

    I have just downloaded the app and it does show the exif on my images.

    I have iTunes sync a folder containing good stuff that I have taken with my dslr. I develop the photos in Lightroom and use a publish service to keep the folder up to date with recent edits.

    If I had a mac I suppose there would be some apple cloud way to do it from aperture. At least it works. Shame the app is not a very slick viewer. However now that exif is present in photos exported from iTunes there may be some developers out there who will put some effort in to it.



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    Re: iPad photo viewer with EXIF data

    Quote Originally Posted by herbert View Post
    I did see Portfolio in the app store. It cost more than I would like to pay for a test run. However I may put up the cash if it works. So does Portfolio show the filenames/EXIF from untainted imports?
    Not that I'm aware of, but it does have quite a few other nice features (the only one I've found that does so) ...

    - you can lay up 2 images side by side to compare

    - full screen viewing or filmstrip with preview

    - multiple galleries

    - ability to hide galleries

    - basic security (pin number on the app, but can be over-ridden in iPad settings)

    - easy to sort images

    - zooming

    - Image notes can be entered

    - Slideshow (with music)

    - import / export entire database

    - email integration

    The only downside at present is that images have to be tapped individually to import them, and then they're always imported to to the bottom of the current set. Not a major if there are only a moderate bunch of images (say 50), but if there are many more then it's a pain to sort them (the process is via drag and drop). The developer has indicated that he'll look into the option of importing them to the front of the que, and I've also made him aware of another app that lets you point to a folder of photos and have it import the whole lot at once, which he's going to look into (he wasn't aware that that functionality is now available) (I expect he'll crack that one shortly). All in all - now what it's relatively stable - I find it very good (and I've tried a few).

  9. #9

    Re: iPad photo viewer with EXIF data

    There are other iPad apps that use FTP/iTunes Folders to add photos to your iPad and keep all of your metadata.

    Check out that uses keywords that you already assigned to your images from Lightroom.

    Also, Photo Folder also displays metadata and if you are using a GPS device on your camera will allow you to see it on a map - both have screenshots.

    Most allow for zooming, slideshows, email and Facebook integration. The ones above allow you to import via FTP so I just have a folder that I drag and drop my photos into and then onto my iPad.

    All the best,


  10. #10

    Re: iPad photo viewer with EXIF data

    I think Photo Shack Pro has all of the features you are looking for.

    • View photo full-resolution up to 16 megapixels
    • View embedded photo metadata
    • View geographic photo location
    • Create your own Libraries and Albums
    • Add/View/Sort/Search Filenames, Titles, Comments, Star Ratings
    • Import/Export to/from your computer using iTunes File Transfer
    • Professional quality slideshow transition animations
    • Runs entirely off of your iPad's Photos Library. Doesn't duplicate any photos.

    You can read more about it at shack pro.html

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