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Thread: Project 52 by Rebecca Humphries

  1. #1
    beckyhumphries's Avatar
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    Project 52 by Rebecca Humphries

    I'm hoping to use Project 52 to keep me using the camera regularly (which will mean going out with the camera sometimes without my dad for company ) and also to help improve both my photography and in particular post production skills as I tend to upload photos straight from the camera at the moment. I would also like to treat myself to a new camera around April time so I am hoping that this will make sure I make full use of my current camera until then and *might* deserve the new camera then!

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    Re: Project 52 by Rebecca Humphries

    Hi Rebecca, I just made the connection with the last names. You're in good hands when it comes to getting help with post production. Your dad has helped me tons in that regard. He's a tough taskmaster though, doesn't let you get away with anything. Looking forward to your project and especially the PP exercises.


  3. #3
    beckyhumphries's Avatar
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    Week 1

    Hi Wendy, yes I'm lucky to have the advice on hand Thanks for the post.

    My first entries are from a day out at Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, UK today with my dad, where we went for a walk around the town and along the riverside. Whilst we took a lot of buildings photos as well that I am yet to look at properly, these two wildlife photos stood out immediately so thought I would use these as my images for Week 1. I have played with them in Photoshop Elements 6, adjusting the sharpness and contrast but not much else yet. I have been given a couple of books on how to properly use Elements which I will be reading over the next week to hopefully use it more efficiently in my Week 2 photo.

    Any advice or constructive criticism would be much appreciated


    Project 52 by Rebecca Humphries

    Project 52 by Rebecca Humphries

  4. #4
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Week 1


    I find that 'Caution' sign in the first one just too much of a distraction. You and others may not feel the same.

    The second one is a beauty. You have manged the exposure wonderfully and, as a result, have been able to capture wonderful detail in the feathers of the bird. The lighting is wonderful and you certainly have made the most of it. The reflection of the bird in the water adds significantly, in my view, to the overall image.

  5. #5
    Goldcoastgolfer's Avatar
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    Re: Week 1

    Your second shot is a great capture. I think your first one is a touch too busy from my perspective. As Donald has pointed out there's the caution sign in the foreground while the people in the background that you see through the arch are just enough to distract you from the seagull flying in.

    I gather the arch is a major part of your photo but have you thought about a portrait style shot focussing on the seagulls? You mighte be able to create an interesting story with the focus just on the birds.

  6. #6
    JPS's Avatar
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    Re: Week 1

    Hi Rebecca,
    Picture No. 1 is a fantastic picture, but does appear on my screen a little over processed. It will be interesting to see what others think, perhaps it's just my screen.

    Picture number 2, IMO is great. I'm sure someone will mention the 'Rule of Thirds' but as many have said before, rules can be broken if it works, I think it does. Well Done.

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    Re: Week 1

    Hi Rebecca: Great start. Personally I love the colours in the first one. I didn't know things were that vivid in the UK though. I'm thinking constant fog. I'm as bad as the tourists who think all us Canadians live in igloos.

    Anyway, regarding the first shot. I think you pulled the trigger at just the right time. That guy on the post looks like he's in for a bit of a surprise. I do agree it is a bit busy though. I would try cloning out the Swan downstream and the white post on the bank of the river, there's also something dark in the water just offshore by the person in the white coat. The second post would not be so bad except for the sign, so I'd want to clone the sign OR the whole post - if possible (but then I think the birds would be too centred... it's always something ). Also, I can't see EXIF info, but if you were able to do this again, a wider aperture to blur the background would have also helped. That's a lot of nitpicking for a shot that you had to take on the spur of the moment and all things considered I think it's well done. This shot brings a smile to my face because the gull on the post is so oblivious to what (looks like) is about to happen.

    The second shot is absolutely beautiful. Just perfect the colours and the detail in the feathers. Nice job


  8. #8
    JPS's Avatar
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    Re: Week 1

    are you telling us you don't live in an Igloo. I can't believe it, I'm not going to wear my Pin Stripped suit and bowler hat to work tomorrow now. lol

  9. #9
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Week 1

    Hi Rebecca. Everyone is going to have their own opinion, particularly when there are two great images to choose from. I like both but for me, the first one is more unusual than the second and therefore more interesting. If you can do post processing, I think you may be able the take the first one further by following some of the advice previously posted.

  10. #10
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Week 1

    Hi Rebecca,

    Looks like we need to cover cloning, bluring, dodging and burning Tuesday evening (before you go)

    Good effort on these two, but we'll see if we can carry out some of these suggestions to make them even better.


  11. #11
    kezmal's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 by Rebecca Humphries

    I actually quite like the first, it should have the caption "Caution, low flying Gulls', so for me the Caution sign fits in really well. It tells a story.
    Your second shot is fantastic, what a beautiful capture

  12. #12
    Rob Douglas's Avatar
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    First off, do you prefer Becky or Rebecca?

    The first image is a little busy for me. There are a few too many things going on. I am most impressed with image #2. That is an exquisite capture! The lighting is perfect and the sharpness and detail are great. I have no doubt that with your fathers guidance you might one day surpass him. (sorry Dave) :P

  13. #13
    beckyhumphries's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 by Rebecca Humphries

    Thank you all very much for your comments, they are much appreciated.

    I had a quick introduction to Adobe lesson from my dad and here is an updated version of the first picture taking all your comments into consideration.

    Project 52 by Rebecca Humphries

    We removed the Caution sign - originally I intended it to be part of the picture, a kind of 'caution incoming bird' as Kerry suggested - however I do agree after trying both that the picture is better without the distraction. We also blurred the background, removed the swan (thanks Wendy for the pointers) and sharpened just the birds using layers. I have lots of techniques that must keep practising now before I forget!

    Hi Rob, either Becky or Rebecca is fine, probably Rebecca as thats what my dad calls me I doubt I will ever surpass him but it is great to have something to aspire to!

    The second swan shot really was a right-place-right-time shot, I was quite surprised myself that the picture came together!

    Thanks again for all the comments,


  14. #14
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 by Rebecca Humphries

    Hi Rebecca! Using sharpness, contrast, and brightness differences between the incoming bird and the background and simplifying the unimportant details really make this image pop. The composition tells a great story. Super job on the editing!

  15. #15
    Goldcoastgolfer's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 by Rebecca Humphries

    Quote Originally Posted by FrankMi View Post
    Hi Rebecca! Using sharpness, contrast, and brightness differences between the incoming bird and the background and simplifying the unimportant details really make this image pop. The composition tells a great story. Super job on the editing!
    Yes - very nice job in editing your photo - although I think you have an unfair advantage

  16. #16
    PhotoRob's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 by Rebecca Humphries

    Great work Rebecca, start to finish...

  17. #17
    kezmal's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 by Rebecca Humphries

    Looks great, well done They are the lessons I need to learn also!

  18. #18

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    Re: Project 52 by Rebecca Humphries

    Nice rework Rebecca. Is it my eyes or did you tone down the colour a bit. Somehow or other the bird on the fly does not stand out as much in this one. It might just be me????


  19. #19
    beckyhumphries's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 by Rebecca Humphries

    Quote Originally Posted by ScoutR View Post
    Nice rework Rebecca. Is it my eyes or did you tone down the colour a bit. Somehow or other the bird on the fly does not stand out as much in this one. It might just be me????

    Hi Wendy, the revised bird on a stand picture is the original colour. I think on the first attempt I enhanced the colour in PP using Auto Color Correction which made the colours more vivid and I didn't use this feature on the second. I am yet to read up on adjusting colour in the Adobe book I've been given so maybe this will be something I will experiment more with next time (when I know more what I am doing rather than clicking buttons and praying for the best ).

  20. #20
    beckyhumphries's Avatar
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    Week 2

    The time has flown by and I think it is time for my Week 2 photo. This time in an attempt to continue experimenting with post production in Adobe I have gone through my photo archive to let some of my photos see the light of day. This particular shot was taken at Trentham Gardens in Stoke-on-Trent, UK where they had a 'monkey forest' with free roaming animals. I think it was taken in late April 2011.

    Project 52 by Rebecca Humphries
    ISO 200 1/160sec f5.6 Fuji s6500fd

    I am pleased with the tree framing the picture and the baby monkey with the glimmer in his eyes. My only worry is that the shot is not as sharp as I would like, and the mum (or dad?!) in the background is not as in focus as I would like.

    Any feedback much appreciated.

    Thanks, Rebeccs

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