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Thread: Chesnut in the Snow

  1. #21

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    Re: Chestnut in the Snow

    Wendy, I would love to see the edited version when you play around with the vignetting, I think it would be helpful to me and other beginners to see the difference you are talking about. Sorry about the rant before, I know everyone is so helpful here, that photo just does something to me when I look at it! I hope you don't mind I look at your photo's all the time and try to learn from them -- I guess you have a fan

  2. #22

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    Re: Chestnut in the Snow

    Will do Kathy. Don't worry about the rant. I have the same reaction sometimes when I love a shot and then read some of the feedback and suggestions. Sometimes when I calm down I agree with the suggestions, other times I don't. It all gets very subjective and many things boil down to a matter of personal taste rather than right and wrong.


  3. #23

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    Re: Chestnut in the Snow

    Here is the rework Kathy. See if you can pick out what I've done. Not a test or anything, just some practice and there are pretty good hints in the thread.
    I'm having trouble deciding, let me know what you think.

    Chesnut in the Snow
    120104-2839-2 by Wendy FS, on Flickr


  4. #24
    Rasbury's Avatar
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    Re: Chestnut in the Snow

    Very beautiful image Wendy.I can see where you have removed certain items from the first image posting which have improved this photo alot.Most noticable for me is the increase of the contrast of the image really makes the whole thing so much better IMHO.

  5. #25
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Chestnut in the Snow

    Stunning! Absolutely stunning! I lived in Canada for 12 years and pictures like this really make me miss the scenery and snow! Another winner, Wendy!

  6. #26

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    Re: Chestnut in the Snow

    Okay Wendy . . . here it goes, I am not very technical so you will have to read between the lines.

    First off I notice that the vignetting has be removed.
    The orange sticks in the background have been removed (mostly noticed that due to earlier posts)
    The overall photo is much clearer and the color on the horse is more vibrant (you will have to tell me what you did to improve that)
    I am sure there is more but that is what I noticed right off the bat.

    I love how much more crisp the photo is . . . but I still like the vignetting in the first photo, I love that frosty look.

    Do you mind if I save both photo's to my computer -- if that is not okay I understand. Thanks for posting the re-edited version, you can't go wronge with either one.


  7. #27

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    Re: Chestnut in the Snow

    Outstanding images! I love both versions of #1...but my personal preference is the first one. I like the softness of the background which allows me to concentrate on the horse. I love his frosty whiskers by the way!!

  8. #28

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    Re: Chestnut in the Snow

    Quote Originally Posted by Kathy O View Post
    Okay Wendy . . . here it goes, I am not very technical so you will have to read between the lines.

    First off I notice that the vignetting has be removed.
    The orange sticks in the background have been removed (mostly noticed that due to earlier posts)
    The overall photo is much clearer and the color on the horse is more vibrant (you will have to tell me what you did to improve that)
    I am sure there is more but that is what I noticed right off the bat.

    I love how much more crisp the photo is . . . but I still like the vignetting in the first photo, I love that frosty look.

    Do you mind if I save both photo's to my computer -- if that is not okay I understand. Thanks for posting the re-edited version, you can't go wronge with either one.

    Awww you got everything except the removal of the hydro wires.

    The reason the photo looks crisper is because the vignetting was removed. The vignette was featherd so even though you could not really notice its effect except in the corners (well in this case corner) the vignette did have an effect quite deep into the picture.

    I'm still having trouble deciding on the vignette. I really think I like the softer look, BUT I'm not that thrilled with the uneveness of it in that one corner. Maybe I can find a way to edit so I can have the best of both worlds, but in the meantime, I'm pretty happy with either version. Thanks so much for your interest.

    You are welcome to keep the photos on your computer. Thanks for asking. If you get any offers though I get royalties.


  9. #29

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    Re: Chestnut in the Snow

    Thanks Teresa, I'm leaning towards the softer version myself. Thanks for noticing the whiskers I couldn't get close enough for a head shot, but I liked the frosty wiskers too


  10. #30

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    Re: Chestnut in the Snow

    Oh, these are wonderful. That first one is a beauty. My heart skipped a beat, when my daughter was in high school, we had a horse that had the same blaze on his face and same coloring! His name was...(ugh)...Larry....came with him when we bought him....he was so sweet and a pleasure to ride. The snow and fence make that first shot a very good composition.

  11. #31

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    Re: Chestnut in the Snow

    Thanks Nat, I think I will call him Larry for now. I might try to visit this farm and see If they will let me wander around and take pictures. I'm not sure if it is a riding stable or just a pleasure farm, but it looks to be a very nice set up from what I could see of it on the trail. There is quite a big barn so I assume they have other horses around. Larry was out by himself though.


  12. #32
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Chestnut in the Snow

    Quote Originally Posted by ScoutR View Post
    Thanks Nat, I think I will call him Larry for now.
    and I thought for sure his name was Chestnut!

  13. #33
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Chestnut in the Snow

    Hi Wendy,

    I dunno, it just isn't winter without your horse in snow shots

    Really like the first one, but I did feel the white vignette, only being visible in top left unbalance it somewhat.

    I almost suggested trying a dark vignette, so at least it would be balance, but of course that won't really help with the house and tree.

    I like the fence on right, but yes, the background is quite cluttered with three different sets of fencing in front of the house like that. However, we are nit picking, it's still a great shot, made better with the recent cloning out of those things.

    #2, while it has the nice 'three trees' composition does, for me, suffer from the horse both leaving, and looking out of, the scene to the right hand side.


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