Well, I'm pretty late with my week 3 shot and even then I'm settling. This is a feral cat that I feed and she follows me around now. She moves slower than the squirrels and in this shot I liked the fresh footprints in the snow and her shadow.
EXIF: 1/5000s: f5.6: ISO 800: 44mm: Matrix +2/3 EV: AFC 9 point
Why oh why did I not stop down a bit on this one OR lower ISO???? I'm sure I didn't need 1/5000s shutter speed. My excuse is that I was out tracking squirrels and birds. The cat shot was an afterthought. By the time I get finished with project 52 I will know this camera well enough and have things set up so I think fast enough and make the changes automatically. That's my goal anyway.

Cali by Wendy FS, on Flickr