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Thread: SS Dicky

  1. #1
    whited3's Avatar
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    SS Dicky

    The SS Dicky at Dicky Beach, QLD. The surf was up with about a 2 mitre swell; the spotter stayed in bed so I had one eye on the viewfinder and the other on the approaching waves. Spent a lot of the time with the tripod held high and the wash around my thighs. Not sure what the people on the beach thought!

    Anyway, I've realised I've been fixated on F11 using this Canon 10-22 lens; trying to get max sharpness and DoF. This morning (last week) I decided to work with slower the shutter speeds. Lee .9 GND used.

    C&C welcome.

    7D, Canon 10-22 @ 15mm, 1/6 @ f22, ISO 100. Levels, sharpening and cropping in CS5.
    SS Dicky

    7D, Canon 10-22 @ 22mm, 0.4 @ f7.1, ISO 100. Levels, sharpening and cropping in CS5.
    SS Dicky

    7D, Canon 10-22 @ 10mm, 1/30 @ f10, ISO 100. Levels, sharpening and cropping in CS5.
    SS Dicky

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Re: SS Dicky

    A fine set of images.

    On the second one, the timbers start to get a bit lost in he breaking wave coming in behind. I wonder if a shot just a couple of seconds before this when it was flatter, lighter-toned water behind all of the timbers, would have worked better (I appreciate that you will have deliberately timed the shutter release for the moment you did)?

    Good work.

  3. #3
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: SS Dicky

    Nice bit of creativity Mark. Well done


  4. #4
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: SS Dicky

    The first is the one for me

  5. #5
    jstp's Avatar
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    Re: SS Dicky

    Hi Mark,

    Great shots, really like that first one. I was also impressed with your monochrome entry, it got my vote.



  6. #6
    whited3's Avatar
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    Re: SS Dicky

    Now you say that Donald, I can see what you mean about the detail being lost in the waves. My attention was taken up by the wash in the foreground. I'll have a another look to what I've got.

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    A fine set of images.

    On the second one, the timbers start to get a bit lost in he breaking wave coming in behind. I wonder if a shot just a couple of seconds before this when it was flatter, lighter-toned water behind all of the timbers, would have worked better (I appreciate that you will have deliberately timed the shutter release for the moment you did)?

    Good work.

  7. #7
    whited3's Avatar
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    Re: SS Dicky

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    A fine set of images.

    On the second one, the timbers start to get a bit lost in he breaking wave coming in behind. I wonder if a shot just a couple of seconds before this when it was flatter, lighter-toned water behind all of the timbers, would have worked better (I appreciate that you will have deliberately timed the shutter release for the moment you did)?

    Good work.
    Taken 6 seconds before the (2nd) shot above, tighter crop.

    SS Dicky

  8. #8
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Re: SS Dicky

    Quote Originally Posted by whited3 View Post
    Taken 6 seconds before the (2nd) shot above, tighter crop.
    Lovely one, Mark. The splash against timber just adds in that extra 'oomph' factor (sorry, I don't do 'wows'!).

    I think what really makes it click as well is the fact that it's simpler than the image taken just after it. What i mean by that is that is that the foreground contains just one element; i.e. the water rolling over the sand, whereas in the other one, we have the water but we also have the sand as well; i.e. two elements instead on one (am I making sense?). That makes it, what I call, a 'simpler' image; there aren't so many different parts to the picture.

  9. #9

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    Re: SS Dicky

    Beautiful. The only thing I'd try, were I there, would be a faster shutter speed on the first one to create more definition in the breaking surf. Your colours are amazing!

  10. #10
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: SS Dicky

    Hi Mark,

    #1 is impressive, was it followed by a rapid run backwards to avoid the splash?

    I do prefer #4 to #2, for the reasons Donald suggests.

    well done,

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