Meisam - I very much like the concept and I think the processing is good.
But I do think it needs a clockwise rotation to straighten it up. It could be grossly exaggerated in terms of rotation so that it is given more of an abstract quality. However, because it is just slightly off straight, it looks as it this was not a deliberate artistic part of the final image.
A number of us on here do feel that the placing of watermarks and/or signatures on the image is not helpful to that image. If you wish such a thing, I would suggest building a border and placing it on that. As it is, our attention is taken towards the signature and detracts from the overall quality of your work.
It is more accurate now, but the cropping, in my opinion, has been detrimental. The fist photo has an airy quality which is lacking now. The first image, with just the bottom cropped might be more appealing.
Meisam, I like it a lot. I do agree with the comments of both Donald and Ludwig. Straightening it up a bit and removing the watermark were helpful, but the top foreground in the original image was a good part of the image's charm, to me. You're only a tweak or two away from having it just right, though.
Oh yes! That, in my opinion, is now an improved image, although I do note Ludwig's comment and agree with him about the crop.
I think that picture is a wonderfully narrative image - it is telling us a story, but we don't know the end of the story. Where has he come from? Where is he going? What is round that corner. It is full of mystery.
A good image.
Thumbs up! This is the version for the wall! Great work!
Well done, Meisam.
Here is another one IMG_1441, Edited for Flickr...
Don't consider watermark...
Meisam, I like this low-key photo. The blank sky is a little disturbing, but overall it is a nice image and I like the composition. As someone pointed out before, and you mentioned, the watermark attracts too much attention. For my "artistic" images I also always add a signature. My solution is to tone it down so it is noticable but not distracting. I use a fairly close color to match the surroundings.
Thanks Ludwig, I consider watermark more now, this photo was edited before I met you wonderful guys here...
I will not let it attracts your attention Boss...