Then you might want to check other suppliers: Amazon France offers just the body at €679 (and the kit with 18-55mm
for about 100 € extra). The Sony site also shows the body with or without lenses, so if you only get
offered the bundle with the kit lens, someone is playing games.
As to why the usual advice is to use longer focal lengths for portraits: objects close to the camera appear bigger than
objects farther away. If you use a tele lens, ears and nose of your subject are at about the same distance of the lens
(say the nose at 1m, ears at 1.15m, or 15% farther), so the distorsion isn't visible. if you use a wide angle lens, the
nose will be at say 30 cm, and the ears at 45cm, or 50% farther. That means that the nose will appear much larger
than in reality, and the ears much smaller, which is not very flattering for your subjects...
Other point: don't hesitate to use higher ISO settings: with my A330 I can go up to 800 ISO without getting noise
problems (provided I don't under expose). And a bit of noise is less objectionable than an unsharp photo due to camera
shake... The A57 is one or two generations newer, so I'd expecta decent result up to 1600 or perhaps even 3200 ISO.
Finally, wrt barrel distortion:
Are you sure the camera is level when framing skyscrapers? Or do you tilt the camera upwards? In the latter case, all
the buildings will seem to lean inwards, even with a perfect lens, as the 'distortion' is a normal optical effect that is
independent of the lens. It's the same 'distortion' that makes a railway seem to disappear in a point at a distance. The
Sony kit lens does have some barrel distortion @ 18mm, but not all that much either, and it is supposed to be a good
lens in its class.