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Thread: Raw Conversion for Nikon D800 ? Please help !!!!

  1. #1

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    Raw Conversion for Nikon D800 ? Please help !!!!

    Good day everyone.
    But a panic day for me. Can anyone please teach me how can I convert my D800 raw NEF to DNG files ?

    I got my D800 about 3 weeks ago and since then shot hundreds of images using its RAW NEF format. I had transfered the files to my computer and because I was on a buzy schedule, I did not touch on them. An hour ago I tried to use my Adobe DNG converter thinking of the conversion and try to fix some of the images in Photoshop... OMG... only to find out that I can't even convert the raws !

    Well, I thought may be my current DNG version is not an updated one (version, ok, work for my D7000 raws, might not good for D800) so I update a new version with instruction from Adobe website i.e. version 6.7 and I even updated together with Camera Raw 6.7 plug-ins. But does not work too, it prompt out "The source folder does not contain any supported camera raw files" !

    Can anyone please help ?

    Best Regards,

  2. #2
    doomed forever's Avatar
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    Re: Raw Conversion for Nikon D800 ? Please help !!!!

    For sure, you can use the Adobe DNG Converter Tool, it should support the Nikon D800, the latest version. The current Version is 7.1, the same version number as ACR right now, 7.1 - should support the D800.


    PS: Very good DSLR, congrats Albert.

    The Windows Link is here, 1st link onto the adobe site.

  3. #3

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    Re: Raw Conversion for Nikon D800 ? Please help !!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by doomed forever View Post
    For sure, you can use the Adobe DNG Converter Tool, it should support the Nikon D800, the latest version. The current Version is 7.1, the same version number as ACR right now, 7.1 - should support the D800.


    PS: Very good DSLR, congrats Albert.

    The Windows Link is here, 1st link onto the adobe site.
    Thank you Marc.
    I have installed the 7.1 but sorry to say it still can't open and convert. Still it prompted out the same thing!

  4. #4

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    Re: Raw Conversion for Nikon D800 ? Please help !!!!

    Albert: what Phhotoshop are you running? Elements (#), Lightroom, or Photoshop CS# as this will make a difference in what you can do. I believe that you are running Elements and at this time you need the most up to date Adobe Raw program which is 7.1 which include the D800 camera, Elements at this time does not use 7.1 as this program was rewriten to work in Lightroom and Photoshop CS6, (same engines) they may in future bring that info down into Elements.
    As stated as I believe you are using Elements, the best option would be to purchase Lightroom 4, this allows you to still use Elements to do the things that Lightroom can not, and allows you to move back and forth between them with no or little effort.



  5. #5
    doomed forever's Avatar
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    Re: Raw Conversion for Nikon D800 ? Please help !!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Polar01 View Post
    Albert: what Phhotoshop are you running? Elements (#), Lightroom, or Photoshop CS# as this will make a difference in what you can do. I believe that you are running Elements and at this time you need the most up to date Adobe Raw program which is 7.1 which include the D800 camera, Elements at this time does not use 7.1 as this program was rewriten to work in Lightroom and Photoshop CS6, (same engines) they may in future bring that info down into Elements.
    As stated as I believe you are using Elements, the best option would be to purchase Lightroom 4, this allows you to still use Elements to do the things that Lightroom can not, and allows you to move back and forth between them with no or little effort.


    My bad Allan, i thought Albert is using CS4 or CS5, not PS Elements. Of course, LR is a great choice, because since Release 4.0 it had become 2/3 off the regular Price from the 3.x Version, also LR 4 (now 4.1 currently) uses exactly the same ACR 7.1 Engine as PS CS6. I've tried many times to get warm with the LR Interface from 1.0 to up-to-date 4.1, but i still dislike the LR GUI, i am used to work with PS, and usually post-processing one picture after another within days, weeks or onths just for my own hobby & pleasure, that constant picture flow and GUI controls in LR are distracting me, but taste is different, no offence. I use CaptureNX2 sometimes, and otherwise the open-source RawTherapee Raw Converter, which looks similar to LR, but kinda different. I guess it depends how long you've been using sth, i'm into RT since 2.4.1 Release.


  6. #6

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    Re: Raw Conversion for Nikon D800 ? Please help !!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by doomed forever View Post
    My bad Allan, i thought Albert is using CS4 or CS5, not PS Elements. Of course, LR is a great choice, because since Release 4.0 it had become 2/3 off the regular Price from the 3.x Version, also LR 4 (now 4.1 currently) uses exactly the same ACR 7.1 Engine as PS CS6. I've tried many times to get warm with the LR Interface from 1.0 to up-to-date 4.1, but i still dislike the LR GUI, i am used to work with PS, and usually post-processing one picture after another within days, weeks or onths just for my own hobby & pleasure, that constant picture flow and GUI controls in LR are distracting me, but taste is different, no offence. I use CaptureNX2 sometimes, and otherwise the open-source RawTherapee Raw Converter, which looks similar to LR, but kinda different. I guess it depends how long you've been using sth, i'm into RT since 2.4.1 Release.

    Allan & Marc,
    At last I found out the mistake and I solved the problem. Here are the details :-

    1) When I got my D800, I asked the Camera shop that whether I need to update the ViewNX 2 (because I had earlier installed one with my D7000 version) and the salesman said need not as they are both the same. Ok, so I didn't install the ViewNX 2 CD that come alongs with my D800. This is a big big mistake !
    2) So I transfer the D800 RAW file with the D7000 ViewNX 2 (DW 11), and you know what, the transfers produce the raw files as looseless compressed 12-Bits instead of my camera setting 14-Bits. That 12-bits files are not supported !
    3) Then I installed back the ViewNX 2 from the D800 (DW 16). I took a few shots, transfered the file to my computer using this newly installed ViewNX 2 (DW 16) and it produces files transfered at 14-Bits.
    4) And I used Adobe DNG converter version 6.7 to convert..... hureyyyyyyyyy IT WORKS IT WORKS IT WORKS MAN.......

    What a GOOD salesman I met giving me the wrong technical information !!!!!

    Anyhow, thank you so much Marc and Allan for taking the troubles to help me. I appreciated it very much.

    Best Regards,

  7. #7

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    Re: Raw Conversion for Nikon D800 ? Please help !!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Polar01 View Post
    Albert: what Phhotoshop are you running? Elements (#), Lightroom, or Photoshop CS# as this will make a difference in what you can do. I believe that you are running Elements and at this time you need the most up to date Adobe Raw program which is 7.1 which include the D800 camera, Elements at this time does not use 7.1 as this program was rewriten to work in Lightroom and Photoshop CS6, (same engines) they may in future bring that info down into Elements.
    As stated as I believe you are using Elements, the best option would be to purchase Lightroom 4, this allows you to still use Elements to do the things that Lightroom can not, and allows you to move back and forth between them with no or little effort.


    Now comes another problem, Allan & Marc.

    So those raw files that I previously transfered with the D7000 version of ViewNX 2 is 12-bits which can't be read and supported by the DNG converter and now they are in my computer as un-convertible 12-Bits raw files !!!!!!!!

    What shall I do with them to change to 14-Bits ?

  8. #8
    doomed forever's Avatar
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    Re: Raw Conversion for Nikon D800 ? Please help !!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Albert Sim View Post
    Now comes another problem, Allan & Marc.

    So those raw files that I previously transfered with the D7000 version of ViewNX 2 is 12-bits which can't be read and supported by the DNG converter and now they are in my computer as un-convertible 12-Bits raw files !!!!!!!!

    What shall I do with them to change to 14-Bits ?
    Good evening albert. 1st of all, software is a "work in progress" and needs always being updated to the latest version. i was wondering about ACR, bc i might have read weeks ago in may that ACR 6.7 for CS5 also supports the D4 & D800. I must admit that i've never used the Adobe DNG converter, but only one time for a reason ages ago: to keep my uncompressed sony R1 raw files (.sr2) converted to DNG in order to save disk space.

    As for some bit confusion going on here, you've shot with your D800 RAW files @12bits i'd guess, and the Adobe DNG converter can't read it? Have you tried both versions 6.7, and 7.1 ? As for 14bit RAW NEF files, they'd give you a way small increase of quality, but at the cost of much more (SD)card space, afaik is one D800 NEF raw at full resolution about ~75 MB each file big, which is really too huge for example for my HDD and/or post-processing power to deal with these file sizes.

    I'd say, most of the time if not for *very special* shots i'd keep the NEF files at 12bits depth
    at your D800. Sadly, you haven't written if you convert your NEF RAW files before post-processing
    to 16bit TIF format, or just 8bits JPG.

    Did you use lossless NEF or lossy NEF compression within your D800 Settings?

    Last, but not least, an (old) 14bits vs. 12bits NEF Raw comparsion:

    Just make sure Albert you're using the latest ViewNX2 Software directly from Nikon, you can
    use it in both Windows Enviroments, there is a x86 whereas also a special x64 64bits Version.
    My Machine runs a old Core2Duo 3Ghz with 16GB Ram, and Win7 Pro SP1 x64 for my PS CS5 Stuff.

    So you've tried to view your Nikon D7000 RAW Files with ViewNX2 (12bits) and you can't sight them? Do you proper format your SD Card inside your D7000 from time to time? With the latest
    ViewNX2 as Nikon Download, you should be able to always read your D7000 & D800 RAW Files
    both in 12 or 14bits bit depth. The latest Version is ViewNX2 2.3.2 and can be downloaded via
    the official link here:

    Let us know if your problem is being fixed.

    HTH for you,
    Last edited by doomed forever; 21st July 2012 at 04:25 PM.

  9. #9

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    Re: Raw Conversion for Nikon D800 ? Please help !!!!

    Albert: I do not know if this will help. I bring my files from the SD card through adobe bridge, which puts them there I tell is to, in this case folder(year)>month and it then add the filer for the day. I was using Elements 9, for some time than upgraded to CS5 extended (got it at student price took course), then upgraded to CS6. When I go to get an old raw file, now it comes up in the Raw version that was used at the time, a little "!" comes up near the lower right hand corner, if I click on it, the Raw version is changed to the newest version.



  10. #10

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    Re: Raw Conversion for Nikon D800 ? Please help !!!!

    Hi Marc & Allan,

    My D7000 is set at Looseless compressed 14-bits NEF and the transfers to PC is using the ViewNX 2 (DW11) which comes together with my D7000. The files are transfered to PC as the same i.e. looseless 14-bits and raw conversion is done with no problem with DNG version 6.3.

    My D800 is set too in looseless NEF 14-bits but when the transfer is done thru that ViewNX 2 (DW 11), the NEF files are transfered as looseless 12-bits which are not able to convert with either DNG 6.3, 6.7 or even 7.1 version.

    But when I transfered my newly-shot NEF with the ViewNX 2 (DW 16) (this one is supplied together with D800), the transfer is in the correct looseless 14-bits and conversion is done smoothly with no problem by DNG 6.7.

    There is no problem in reading both the looseless compressed 12-bits and 14-bits from my PC. The problem is that the 12-bits can't be converted while the 14-bits is everything ok .

    I am using PS CS 5.

    So you see, all of my previous NEF files that shot with my D800 is hence been transfered (with that ViewNX 2 DW 11) to my PC at looseless 12-bits and I don't know how to change them to a 14-bits for raw conversion. Those images have already been deleted from my memory cards and those left in the PC are the only copies left.

    Got it ? Any idea on making the changes of 12 to 14-bits ?


  11. #11
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    Re: Raw Conversion for Nikon D800 ? Please help !!!!

    So you use two different ViewNX2 Versions for each Nikon? I would never use the Software provided with the DSLR, no offence - but it's always being "outdated" as you can download for free the latest everytime @nikon. Never heard about that DW11/16 Stuff, only Version numbers, which currently is 2.3.2, and you can install it both on my ordinary x86 as well onto a 64bit Windows System. Why can't the 12bit NEFs not converted - because you used the old ViewNX2 from the D7000 DSLR CD? If so, just delete one ViewNX2 Installation or all, and just install the latest Version - it works with both D7000 & D800.


  12. #12

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    Re: Raw Conversion for Nikon D800 ? Please help !!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by doomed forever View Post
    So you use two different ViewNX2 Versions for each Nikon? I would never use the Software provided with the DSLR, no offence - but it's always being "outdated" as you can download for free the latest everytime @nikon. Never heard about that DW11/16 Stuff, only Version numbers, which currently is 2.3.2, and you can install it both on my ordinary x86 as well onto a 64bit Windows System. Why can't the 12bit NEFs not converted - because you used the old ViewNX2 from the D7000 DSLR CD? If so, just delete one ViewNX2 Installation or all, and just install the latest Version - it works with both D7000 & D800.


    The DW11 & DW 16 is the code printed on the CD. Since the DW 16 can be used on files of D7000 too, so I just use this only.

    Yes, because then I used the old version of the ViewNX 2 to transfer D800's files, it thus encoded my D800 setting of looseless 14-bits to files of 12-bits and, can't be converted by DNG.

    The troubles is those D800's files have had already been transfered to my PC's ViewNX 2 and I had already deleted the primary source from the memory cards. So I have no more source to re-transfer again.

    TQ for your info on the latest version from Nikon.

    Best Regards,
    Last edited by Albert Sim; 22nd July 2012 at 11:02 AM.

  13. #13

    Re: Raw Conversion for Nikon D800 ? Please help !!!!

    I have a D800. It has firmware versions A= 1.01 B= 1.02 L=1.004. I have PSE 11, Lightroom 4, DNG Converter RAW is set to 12-bits.

    Apart from displaying the embedded JPG image that is in the raw files with View NX 2, Faststone and even Windows 7 with appropriate codecs I can't do a thing with the raw files. Has anyone any ideas? Looks like Nikon have produced a high end compact equivalent.

    I have just installed DNG Converter Still no success.
    Last edited by mikejrstevenson; 16th June 2015 at 04:00 PM. Reason: Software Update

  14. #14
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    Re: Raw Conversion for Nikon D800 ? Please help !!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by mikejrstevenson View Post
    I have a D800. It has firmware versions A= 1.01 B= 1.02 L=1.004. I have PSE 11, Lightroom 4, DNG Converter RAW is set to 12-bits.

    Apart from displaying the embedded JPG image that is in the raw files with View NX 2, Faststone and even Windows 7 with appropriate codecs I can't do a thing with the raw files. Has anyone any ideas? Looks like Nikon have produced a high end compact equivalent.
    Nikon website shows that View NX2 is compatible with your camera.

    Also, you should be able to do RAW editing, you may have to finish the image in LR or Elements as a TIFF.

  15. #15
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Raw Conversion for Nikon D800 ? Please help !!!!

    I'm a D800 user and there are lots of products that can do the RAW conversion, starting with the aforementioned Nikon Capture NX2, which shipped with the camera. I believe you need at least Lightroom 4.1 to open raw data. If these two products do not work it is because you have versions that were published before the D800 came out; see if you can update them online. I would also suggest you set the camera to the 14-bit version.

    Up to date versions of Lightroom, Adobe Camera Raw (bundled with Photoshop), Phase One Capture One and DxO Optics Pro all work as well.

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    Re: Raw Conversion for Nikon D800 ? Please help !!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Albert Sim View Post
    Now comes another problem, Allan & Marc.

    So those raw files that I previously transfered with the D7000 version of ViewNX 2 is 12-bits which can't be read and supported by the DNG converter and now they are in my computer as un-convertible 12-Bits raw files !!!!!!!!

    What shall I do with them to change to 14-Bits ?
    Why do you use Nikon software to copy files to computer? Any advantage? You are anyways using Adobe DNG converter to convert the files, then why not just copy paste from memory card to computer?

  17. #17
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Raw Conversion for Nikon D800 ? Please help !!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by mrinmoyvk View Post
    Why do you use Nikon software to copy files to computer? Any advantage? You are anyways using Adobe DNG converter to convert the files, then why not just copy paste from memory card to computer?
    This is a 3-year old post and at the time the Adobe raw conversion for Nikon cameras was abysmal (poor quality).

    When Adobe re-wrote the ACR engine and updated the camera parameters with Lightroom 5 / Photoshop 6 they fixed this problem and I would no longer necessarily recommend the Nikon software now.

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