As I continue to explore the use of controlled light in my makeshift studio, I created a long shadow on black fabric. This is the same baseball that I have displayed in a couple other threads recently.
C&C encouraged as always, especially because this is the first time I have made this kind of image.
EDIT: To see the contrast between the shadow and the black fabric, you must click the image to view it at the largest size, which is 1751 x 1020. Even so, I'm not seeing the contrast between the shadow and the fabric when viewing the image posted here that I'm seeing when I view the same file in my postprocessing or cataloging software. (The embedded color space is sRGB, so that's not the problem.)
EDIT #2: Now that a discussion has taken place in the thread, I have changed my browser to Firefox and the above issue is fundamentally resolved. As others have reported, I am now able to easily see the shadow at a glance, including its faults, without having to review the full-size image.