To start I bracket for exposure all the time for the last couple of years, however it is all done manually. There has been a couple of times when this is too hard or impossible to do as when the camera is on the ground or almost on the ground. The reason I am not on the ground with it, is because of the place I am, and my knees, to see me get down or up off the ground you would think I have drunken a 40oz bottle of Whiskey (Canadian). I know in the menu where to set number of shots (max 3 for D7000), where to set how I want the order, it is after here that I continue to get misplaced, (notice I did not say lost as I am I guy, we never get lost only momentary misplaced in that space-time thing). So if someone would like to take a bat (not animal) baseball or cricket will work, and beat it into my brain, I would be most appreciative, so feel free to beat away.