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You should have asked about this in the main forum not here.
I think the web is causing a lot of confusion on this subject. The whole idea is simple really. Focal depth to some circle of confusion increases with distance so there will always be more depth of field past the actual focal point which would ideally have a circle of confusion determined by diffraction. That's 1.36xFratio in um (0.001mm units) for a perfect lens. Varies with colour but there isn't much point in worrying about that. Distance has nothing to do with it other than the maths are based on items at infinity. It works in practice to a 1st approximation anyway so it doesn't matter if the lens is focused at twice it's focal length or several thousand times in principle the minimum circle of confusion in theory at least doesn't change. I practice no lens is perfect so there will be ??? variation. This touches on why some macro photographers shoot at the lowest F number and take many shots at different depths and stack them to obtain a greater depth of field. They get maximum resolution that way. It more complicated than that in practice.
The achievable depth of field then comes down to the final size the image is going to be viewed at and the viewing distance. This sets the maximum circle of confusion that can be allowed on the sensor as it will be usually magnified when the final image is viewed. There is some odd things on the web in this area. My understanding is that the usual 0.030mm or so quoted for 35mm actually relates to the final image if it's to be viewed at 250mm (10in) not the circle of confusion on the sensor. 0.030mm on the sensor would come out at 0.21 mms on an A4 print which with good eyesight would be easily visible from 250mm. Fortunately it's not that critical really and often just like an artists painting the main subject is well defined, jpg compression and the cameras colour interpolation etc helps too and a number of other things. Some depth of field calculators list circles of confusion sizes after the format sizes. Sometimes it's important. You might have a subject for instance that needs detail at the pixel level of the camera and that really does reduce the depth of field and the highest F number that can be used. Conversely you may have a subject that the set up just can't resolve with sufficient clarity and finish up with a mess. You will have to google and read up on MTF and MTF50 to get into that. In many ways it's best to bear it all in mind as it may explain why some shots just don't work out on a screen or printed. In the extreme for 0.030 on a print it's about 800dpi and if I remember correctly a pc screen can only achieve less than 10% of that. Reduction to a jpg and sharpening also tends to masks these problems.