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Thread: What lenses should be in my kitbag? Need help.

  1. #21
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: What lenses should be in my kitbag? Need help.Nifty-fifty?

    As Donald mentioned, an f/5.6 aperture is "a bit slow for bird photography" except... if you are shooting with a lens that provides top-notch IQ at its widest aperture.

    Canon shooters are blessed to have the 400mm f/5.6L lens which is "slow" at f/5.6 but, which also produces as good image quality at that f/stop as it does stopped down a few stops.

    It doesn't have any stabilizaton which can be a PITA but, it only weighs 44 ounces which is pretty light weight for a 400mm lens. It is also often available (in the USA) on the used market for under $1,000 USD.

    I often either use mine with a monopod and a swivel head or with the rig that I fabricated, using hand tools, with less than twenty dollars worth of material. The rig is absolutely great for following birds in flight. Resting on both shoulders, it provides a very stable platform. It could be modified for any camera and any long lens. IMO, the double shoulder rest beats the heck out of the Bushhawk for stability. And, of course, the price is no comparison

    What lenses should be in my kitbag? Need help.

    An equipment list and directions for fabrication are available at my smugmug site:
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 13th October 2012 at 04:30 AM.

  2. #22

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    Re: What lenses should be in my kitbag? Need help.Nifty-fifty?

    I would like to thank everyone for the great advices. What did I get in the end? Talaaaa!: Nifty-Fifty, f/1.4, second hand price, quality like new! I shall return with Christmas lights bokeh I hope.

  3. #23
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: What lenses should be in my kitbag? Need help.Nifty-fifty?

    Quote Originally Posted by wlou View Post
    I would like to thank everyone for the great advices. What did I get in the end? Talaaaa!: Nifty-Fifty, f/1.4, second hand price, quality like new! I shall return with Christmas lights bokeh I hope.
    Congratulations Louise. I'm sure you will enjoy using it and I look forward to seeing all those narrow depth of field shots with wonderful bokeh.

  4. #24
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: What lenses should be in my kitbag? Need help.Nifty-fifty?

    Congratulations on your new lens... A good addition to Christmas light shooting will be a sturdy tripod...

  5. #25

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    Re: What lenses should be in my kitbag? Need help.Nifty-fifty?

    Sorry Donald, I could not wait for Christmas. The weather being too cold outside, I combined a few techniques, and used some items in my basement. The statuette is made of wax so it does not have sharp edges. I fabricated a lens cap with an opening in the shape of a star that I put in front of the lens.In Bulb Mode I started one exposition in focus on the statue and covered the lens with a black cap, de-focused the lens and uncovered the lens. Voila. Oh, this is gonna be fun. Sorry if my explanations are not too clear.
    What lenses should be in my kitbag? Need help.

  6. #26
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: What lenses should be in my kitbag? Need help.Nifty-fifty?

    That is very impressive and creative. Well done.

  7. #27

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    Re: What lenses should be in my kitbag? Need help.Nifty-fifty?

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    That is very impressive and creative. Well done.
    Thank you very much Donald. It took quite a few tries to get the light just right like a contuniation of the antlers. I wanted to represent "the king of the forest". Oh and I forgot to say, no and I repeat no photoshop. Just a long exposure.

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