"Performing a white balance with a raw file is quick and easy. You can either adjust the temperature and green-magenta sliders until color casts are removed, or you can simply click on a neutral reference within the image (see next section). Even if only one of your photos contains a neutral reference, you can click on it and then use the resulting WB settings for the remainder of your photos (assuming the same lighting)."
A seagull on the water was as the "neutral reference" in the preceding paragraph. Not sure how to do this. This refers to isolating the neutral object? You need to get it in the full frame, right? (The seagull is very small in the photo.)
And I don't understand what is being referred to in the following: "Common household neutral references are the underside of a lid to a coffee or pringles container. These are both inexpensive and reasonably accurate." What color(s) is he talking about under the lids?