Nice image. Perfect caption.
I have found I like very few flower images in B&W due to them normally being about color. This is an exception. Nicely done.
Thank you Mike,,,the title seemed appropriate on Remembrance Sunday.
Paul, I used to think the same and still do when it comes to certain flowers. I am glad you like this one.
Hi Sharon,
I really like the feeling of softness of your flower images. (I don't mean out of focus or soft focus.) Maybe stillness or gentleness are better words. I would like to know a little of how you achieve it.
I have been looking at flower photographers whose approach is hard edged with great detail but they seem a little clinical. Yours however have a romantic feel to them. To Donald's list I would add light and maybe the secret in yours is how you light the subject?
Seriously, Sharon...
Get into the gift/greeting card business! On a boutique/stall/fayre level you will make a small fortune with a catalogue of 20 or so of these!
Thank you Phil I really appreciate your faith in my pictures.
Graham , I don't know that I do anything special with light apart from the fact that I never, ever, use flash or any artificial light source near a flower .....only available light which, here in Scotland can be rather lovely and soft. ( when it's not pich black!)
The above shot was actually taken outdoors (not on a black background) but shooting with lots of dense foliage behind the Anenome and using DOF to achieve the deeper darker background. In PP I increased the shadow and played with the levels until most of the background was gone and finally cloned out the odd remaining wee lighter spots. I don't like the technique of 'painting in' a black background because I don't find the edges look at all natural.
Thank you so much for your interest.
Thanks Bobo!