For some strange reason, I thought that there was a place in the profile that mentioned "It is not O.K. to edit my images." and looking at a poster's profile, when I did not see that statement I assumed that it was O.K. to edit an image posted. Looking back, it may have been another site that had the "edit" or "do not edit" explanation in the poster's profile. I stand corrected for the wrong assumpton...
Well, as we used to say in the Navy, to "assume" will often make an "ass" out of "u" and "me".
I would have absolutely no problems with anyone editing any of my pictures and posting that edit, unless that editing made the subject look foolish.
Often, it is easier to show an edited version than go through the complex explanation of editing recommendations.
I hope that I have not offended anyone by posting a suggested edited version of the image thay had posted. And I apologize retroactively for any offense...