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Thread: Cold Dawn

  1. #1
    tbob's Avatar
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    Trevor Reeves

    Cold Dawn

    This is taken at looking 45 degrees southwest of the rising sun so the slight pink is the distant lowest layer of cloud lit by the unrisen sun. I wanted to capture the cold bleakness and feeling of isolation on this farm. There is an abandoned house just across the first field, should I have left in as part of the crop? I feel it adds to the mood. However I am open to suggestions. I also would like impressions about whether this even works. Be blunt as this is a bit of an experiment for me

    Any input is greatly appreciated. I would be interested to see what other people can do with this, so I have included two other versions

    Cold Dawn

    uncropped version, noise control and colour amending already done.

    Cold Dawn

    And out of camera

    Cold Dawn

  2. #2
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: Cold Dawn


    This is a very subjective response. I would most certainly include the house. It adds interest to that part of the image, but also the road seems to sweep down towards it but then passes it by, increasing the sense of isolation. I'm not sure about the strong blue colour cast though (I am viewing this on a tablet so maybe shouldn't comment on colour)

  3. #3
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: Cold Dawn

    I thought why not try B+W; just a thought and I had a go to see if it worked.

    Cold Dawn

  4. #4
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Re: Cold Dawn

    I'd echo David's point about the colour.

    Picking up on Trevor's own statement, "I wanted to capture the cold bleakness and feeling of isolation on this farm", I feel the post-processing makes it more into a 'pretty winter scene', rather than a cold, desolate, hard place. I think that is achieved by the colour and tones that came out of the camera.

    On the original, I think a good dose of Local Contrast Enhancement and, if you wish, a small bit of work on contrast (but as folks know I'm not one to go for high contrast images), is all that I would do to it. Remember - Les is very often more.

    And yes, I'd definitely be keeping that old house in it.

  5. #5
    JPS's Avatar
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    Re: Cold Dawn

    Hi Trevor,
    I like your 1st version.
    As you offered here's my attempt.

    Cold Dawn

  6. #6

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    Re: Cold Dawn

    Hi Trevor, I definitely think the shot is worth working on. I too prefer the muted tones of the "out of camera" shot. I like what John has done with the rework and I think the "panorama" type crop works well as it has moved the horizon from the centre, which seems to work better and it keeps my eyes in the foreground.

    I did a quick edit in Lightroom. I didn't crop as much as John - just a bit from the bottom, trying to get the horizon off centre, but when I compare the 2 I like the panorama type crop much better.

    Anyway, as this is a learning experience for all, I've included a couple snips of the LR settings I used. Of course after uploading, I noticed that I have a dark vignette in the sky which I did not intend... so pretend it's not there.

    Cold Dawn
    2mk1o8-2 by Wendy FS, on Flickr

    Cold Dawn
    CaptureLRTop by Wendy FS, on Flickr

    Cold Dawn
    CaptureLRbottom by Wendy FS, on Flickr

  7. #7
    tbob's Avatar
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    Re: Cold Dawn

    I appreciate the work people put into this; a really valuable learning tool for me.

    I agree with the assessment that the blue cast is not an improvement. As Donald said the original is closer to what I was after than my feeble attempt to improve it. Less is indeed more.

    Steve and Wendy's versions give me a lot of grist for the mill. Black and white is a technique I need to add to my instinctive options for processing; currently it is hardly even on the radar.

    Not to pick favorite's but I think John has pretty much nailed what I had envisioned when I started this and before I began aimlessly wondering.

    Thanks Trevor

  8. #8

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    Re: Cold Dawn

    I too like #1.

    Here is my take.

    Cold Dawn

  9. #9
    tbob's Avatar
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    Re: Cold Dawn

    Thanks Bobo; not as stark as John's version but I like the retention of some colour . For some reason the red shed next to the old house really does seem need to have colour.

    The isolation does seem to come through in all the versions. Ironically Dawson Creek, my town of 12,000 is just over the ridge.

  10. #10

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    Re: Cold Dawn

    It takes me back Trevor, to cold, bleak mornings east of Paris. That orangey pink sky on the horizon told you it was going to be a finger and toe nipping day. You can almost hear the Polar Bears growling. I can't comment on the blue tinge as all that sticks in my memory is that awesome pink cold sky. (I am shivering as I write this, so it must be a good image.)

  11. #11
    tbob's Avatar
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    Re: Cold Dawn

    If memory serves it was minus 15 that morning but no wind so, at least for me, it was not unmanagable. I could shoot with the gloves off for one minute before bits of my fingers began to fall off. We are headed for minus 27 this weekend, with a wind. I think the windchill is rated at " grotesque" with intermittent "why the hell am I living here".

    That pink sky does augur cold, the sun is barely able to clear the horizon so we get that lovely pink for hours on end. Gives you something to admire while your toes are dying.
    Last edited by tbob; 27th November 2012 at 05:40 PM.

  12. #12

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    Re: Cold Dawn

    Grrrrrrrrrrrrr is that what I will be returning to tomorrow ???

    Should have postponed for another 4 months.

    Trevor - you have probably trekked through -40 and higher windchills. Last winter I had to to wear 2 pairs of relatively thin gloves, one with a flip up cut for the shutter finger, winter long boots, balaclava, several layers of inner clothes, winter sailing pants, and an thickish outer jacket with hood. All for what? An iffy owl shot....

    Luckily I was able to insert those thinnish hand and foot warmers otherwise fingers/toes would have frozen off in minutes. Even then on returning to the car and turning on all the heating, steering wheel, seats, it still took a good 15 minutes for feeling to return to the hands and feet.

    Back home told the wife never again but lo was out like a flash the next day on hearing of another sighting. haha

  13. #13
    tbob's Avatar
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    Re: Cold Dawn

    Quote Originally Posted by Bobobird View Post
    Grrrrrrrrrrrrr is that what I will be returning to tomorrow ???

    Should have postponed for another 4 months.
    Funny you should say that. When I was responding to your picture of the goat I thought " Why is he coming back at this time of year?" Those Canadians who can are bugging out of here for warmer climes rather than the reverse.

  14. #14

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    Re: Cold Dawn

    I ask the same every year.

    In CA our indoors are nice and warm, outside not too bad either most of the time. Here in the mid-tropics nothing is heated. Every indoor place keeps their air conditioning on for ventilation and what not. Houses/apartments are not heated either. So a 10c here cna feel like a -20 without windchill back home.

    And the wife simply refuses to drive in snow conditions so really have not options except to schedule my trips before and after winter. But I refuse to leave during our gorgeous summers. Here summers are murder - excessively hot and very humid.

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