One of the problems in these litigious days is that commercial companies are playing it super-safe, so people, on both sides of the camera, are assuming that the rules have changed. I was recently involved in a publication for a bank, who demanded a release for anything that had people in it - quite unnecessarily, as it was editorial. But they were concerned that people might see dollar signs flashing up before their eyes and make trouble in the hope simply of making some money, and just didn't want the hassle.
Anything inside a normally published book is of course editorial. The jacket seems a bit of a grey area to me, as it is a marketing tool, and therefore arguably commercial. But I remember putting a picture of somebody's house on a book jacket once. Since it was one of two houses in the shot, of no distinctive design, and not specifically identified, and the shot was taken from a public place, I won the argument. The guy was just trying it on, basically.