I would like some feedback from my fellow members on this lens. I am looking at one for $1200.00 (US) - not the newer VRII.
How do you guys and gals out there that own the lens us it? (type of photography)
Are you happy with it?
What are the "gottchas" with this lens?
Would you recommend paying another thousand bucks for the VRII?
What do you love and what do you hate?
I would initially be shooting this lens on a d-300, but will (someday??) be moving to full format so any lens purchases I do will not be in the DX size. I know about the crop factor etc with this lens and my body.
I have heard of some issues with the viewfinder (fuzzy or dark corners) because of where Nikon placed the rear nodal point in this lens - any feedback here?
I am trying to decide which one of the holy trinity to purchase first - will be a long time between lenses because of cost. Right now my main lens is is an 18 - 200 mm Nikor (DX format) and it's an good lens, but I want to move into the 2.8 fixed glass. My choice is purchase this long lens for what seems to be a good price (is it really?) or look for the mid range focal length. I am leaning toward the longer lens - my thinking is that the mid range focal length is covered by the lens I have presently, and even though it is "slower" when I shoot this lens in low light situations will be using off camera flash mostly so that does not seem to be a factor. I will be shooting a combination of portrait and landscape type shots, but moving more toward people and event type photography.
Any thoughts or feedback from my fellow shooters would be very much appreciated.