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Thread: ring flash

  1. #1
    purplepeople8r's Avatar
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    ring flash

    okay i have a question for you guys!!! My daughter-in-law just told me about flash ring.. she, like me is starting a photography business but she wants to do newborn shooting and was told about flash ring. what is your opinion about this? And what brand is best?? I have no idea about this. I have been told this is good for indoor and outdoor shooting.

  2. #2
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: ring flash

    I personally detest ring flash for human and animal portraits. The doughnut shaped catchlights formed by this flash in the subject's eyes look to me like they are from a Grade B 1950's SciFi movie, "The Attack of the Undead".

    However photography is both an art and a science and I know that there are people who like the results of a ring flash.

    I would suggest bouncing a hotshoe flash mounted on a Stroboframe Camera Flip Bracket modified by a Joe Demb Flash Diffuser Pro...

  3. #3

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    Re: ring flash

    A Ring Flash is a great source for getting an even light with no shadows when you do not have a couple of umbrellas handy or when you or the subject is moving around. Superb for macro work. Close-ups on people and critters do present different effect for catch lights in the eyes but unless they are overpowering it's only photographers that pay attention to them anyway. Backup and use a longer lens and the circles are hardly noticeable.

    Google "photographs taken with ring flash" and you'll find all sorts of examples and hints on how to use it and get the effects you want.

  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: ring flash

    I personally love the ringflash, for portraiture. It provides beautiful fill-lighting for portraiture. I have an Orbis that I use in conjunction with my Nikon SB600. It takes a bit of time to get used to as one operates the camera with one hand while holding the ring flash over the lens with the other. I usually ensure that I am shooting at least 1/2 to a full stop below the main light level (I do use a flash meter).

    Richard is right; the catchlights are little donuts, but then any light modifier effects how the catchlights look. I often clean them up in Photoshop, especially when there are multiple catchlights.

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    Re: ring flash

    Only seen ring flashes in shop windows, we have one photo store left in my city, but I gather to overcome the 'horrible flat lighting' some ring flashes permit you to only use part of the ring to get a more directional light for close-ups.

    Talking about ringflashes makes me wonder why they are acceptable but the 'on-board' flash is so depreciated

    I take Manfred's comment to suggest he is using the ringflash as a fill at the camera with a stronger key light elsewhere, which brings to mind it is not the equipment but how it is used that is important.

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