Ducks in Action Continued...
Determination I have, so I returned this morning to find the ducks (yippee they were still there but not quite as feisty as the other day)
This time I shot A 5.6, iso 640 and exposure comp 1.3, which seemed to help the noise a bit, but I still have a lot of motion blur in the photos. (Shutter priority did not work)
I used lightroom 4.1 to edit, and you will see that in some of the photos the water appears greenish (WB as shot) and in others it is more blue (auto WB) I'm not sure which is right
Also I just noticed that if I hit the auto tone in lightroom, it decreases the exposure which I am always upping to try and shoot to the right of the histogram. So I should probably stop hitting the auto button? I noticed also that the auto button increases the whites and decreases my blacks... Why is this? How can I improve my camera settings so there is no need to do this? When editing these, I increased the whites and decreased the blacks a little bit, keeping the histogram as I thought it should be. I also increased clarity a bit to sharpen, and sometimes vibrancy.
Auto WB
WB as Shot
Auto WB
Some fast movements I tried to catch, but I still have a lot of blur
Auto Tone
C&C most welcome...
I do realize that I can crop these so they are not so centered, but I think I would lose some of the nice ripples on the water, and right now I want to learn to focus faster in low light conditions to achieve sharper shots. As you can see from my pics, all the fast action shots are duds.
I would also like to know about the white and black sliders in Lightroom and if hitting auto tone is a good idea as an editing start point. And also which WB looks better, as shot, or auto.
Thank you