Originally Posted by
Loose Canon
Looks good to me, too, Wes.
If you have some editing software available, and it has dodge and burn tools, a little work with a burn brush could go a long ways in achieving what I think you are looking for.
And I fully agree with Richard.
Sometimes a busy background is not only unavoidable, but just a part of the shot. There are some things one can do on-site, in-camera, and in post to mitigate the “busy-ness” if one has the desire. But if it’s there, it’s there.
Do you still take the shot?
For me, always. It’s your studio and if it’s busy, then it’s busy.
But the flip of this is that backgrounds are always, and I mean always, one of the most important things a photographer looks at in the viewfinder. So though you go ahead and pull the trigger, you already know what your BG is doing before you do. To be aware of this is the only way you can make the right decisions with it!