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Thread: Poetica in Natura

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Real Name
    Sammy Adams

    Poetica in Natura

    Poetica in Natura
    EOS 40D, Exposure time : 1/640sec. ; F-stop: f/29; ISO : 100

    Hello, i'm adam, i'm a novice and these are my first efforts.
    looking fwd to your C & C

  2. #2
    Downrigger's Avatar
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    Re: Poetica in Natura

    Two things come to mind for me about this interesting shot -

    First, are you onto the loss of resolution at high f-stops owing to diffraction? Your f29 here was likely to draw you depth of field closer, but you may have paid for this with some furriness owing to diffraction (good discussion of this on tutorials here, and also I like ( The trade-off between DoF and diffraction for this shot may have an optimum at a lower f-stop than you have used.

    Second, the bright scene with shadowed foreground objects creates a high dynamic range and presents a challenge to exposure - you don't want clipped whites in the sun reflection on the left upper margin, but you need to bring the shadows "up" (in exposure, either in shot or PP) too. Hopefully some pros will weigh in on how they might handle that problem.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    South Devon, UK

    Re: Poetica in Natura

    When I first saw this scene, Sammy, I thought it was just some pieces of washed up rubbish on the shore. It was only when viewed at full screen size that I realised what was actually happening here.

    Mark has already explained what is the limiting factor.

    However, I suspect that by concentrating on a reduced scene there is an excellent image to be had.

    I would crop off part of the left side and just show two boats to reduce the complication and improve image balance. This would mean changing the image size ratio or cropping a similar amount from top and bottom to retain the existing ratio.

  4. #4
    Aforns's Avatar
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    Re: Poetica in Natura

    Agree with comments and would also crop from the horizon up, along with the left crop will make an interesting image !!

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    Sammy Adams

    Re: Poetica in Natura

    Thank you Mark, Geoff and Alfred
    I will try to see if i can fix the problems you all mentioned. And i will try to post the fixed version of this picture for you all to comment on again

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    I live a stone's throw away from Cuyahoga National Park (NE, Ohio)..

    Re: Poetica in Natura

    Hi Adam, I agree with the advice given. I would also try a crop that just included the person standing in the water and the outrigger to his right. Don't include any of the dark blue section of the water and don't include any of the stuff in the bottom right. Just a suggestion.


  7. #7

    Join Date
    Oct 2012
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    Sammy Adams

    Re: Poetica in Natura

    Thanks for your suggestion karm, i will try too crop it n post it later

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