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Thread: Canyon de Chelly NM

  1. #1
    judiscott's Avatar
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    Canyon de Chelly NM

    We toured Canyon de Chelly National Monument - Here is Spider Rock. Comments welcome.

    Canyon de Chelly NM

    Below is Face Rock - I really did not see the face this clearly until reviewing my photos.

    Canyon de Chelly NM

  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2012
    northern Virginia suburb of Washington, DC

    Re: Canyon de Chelly NM

    Canyon de Chelly is my favorite canyon because it's large enough to be beautiful (like the Grand Canyon) but small enough to comprehend its totality (unlike the Grand Canyon).

    You weren't blessed with very good light. Even so, you could add considerable interest and drama by increasing the contrast if you're familiar with using Levels and Curve tools.

    If you have images that allow different compositions, consider adding just a bit more space beneath Spider Rock and more space to the left of the face in the other photo.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    South Devon, UK

    Re: Canyon de Chelly NM

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    You weren't blessed with very good light. Even so, you could add considerable interest and drama by increasing the contrast if you're familiar with using Levels and Curve tools.

    Or even a little bit of Local Contrast Enhancement. But don't overdo it.

    These photos need viewing at full size for best effect.

  4. #4
    judiscott's Avatar
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    Re: Canyon de Chelly NM

    Thanks for the advice, Mike and Geoff -

    Mike, I like your description of this canyon. I had no idea what was even there when my husband suggested we stop on the way back from Santa Fe.

    Yes, the light was not great. I had no more space for the suggested crops, but understand why those would be better. I will try your suggestions on PP. Since I am very new at this, I guess I err on the cautious side when editing the pictures so as not to make them look fake.

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