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Save for what purpose?
jpeg is a lossy format, and it is 8 bit. For that reason, I never save anything as jpeg if I expect to work on it further. However, it is the standard format for posting to the web, and it is also the standard format for many print labs.
In my work flow, I use Photoshop only when I need to, which is for relatively few images. I do all of my basic editing in Lightroom. When LR alone is enough, I don't store the image in any format other than raw. I export whatever I need, but I don't generally store it. For some external software, raw won't work, e.g., my image stacking software. For that, I use 16-bit TIFFs, which are big but lose no information. If I have to edit in PS, I use the 'edit in' command in LR, which opens the image directly in PS, with my LR edits (you can chose that as an option in PS), without my having to save the image in another file format. When I am done working with it in PS, I save it either as PSD or TIFF, with layers if I am going to go back to it but sometimes flattened if I am confident that I won't. It is really better to save with layers, but those files are absolutely huge.