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Christina – What you describe is a pretty common problem when working in post production. It is all too easy to get into a situation where, as they say, “you can’t see the forest for the trees”.
I use a number of techniques to help me here. Looking away from the screen for a few seconds and then looking back at the image I am working on. The first thing that I see that bothers me is what I tackle next. Sometimes I get to the point where I stop seeing, but still feel that there is something else that needs some work, I will get up for about 10 minutes and wander away from my computer just to flush the image out of my mind. When I come back, I often can focus in on the issue and make progress. Sometimes when I get totally frustrated, I do come back the next day, or even a few days later if I am busy and often the solution has been percolating through my subconscious mind. This is not only for identifying issues, but also on working out ways to fix them.
I think something you should consider doing as you evolve as a photographer is spend time looking and analysing other people’s handling of similar subjects by surfing the net. Sites like CiC, Flickr, 500px, etc. are virtual gold mines for seeing how other people have approached similar issues. Often we learn just as much from something that we don’t like as we do like. Developing these analytical skills will do a lot for improving your photography; both in-camera and in front of the computer.
I liken post-production to design work; after all when we look at it, we are designing an image. No one designs a new product in one go, so why do we think as single editing session is going to give us the result we want right away. The design process is iterative and the final product is the result of a number of incremental improvements made over a number of different iterations. The more one practices, the better and faster one gets.