After shooting session I left that mixture between old and young,teachers and their former students,waking through the town.I arrived at the center of the town founding the District Prefecture Palace.Under the rule of the king Carol The First,in every district capital,were constructed such buildings.This one is from the beginning of 20th c.The perennial use as symbol of the power assured to the building a good looking image.The musical fountain from the foreground,which not working,increases the desert aspect of this square accentuating the distance between administration and the ordinary people.
Last edited by Radu Dinu Cordeanu; 22nd May 2013 at 07:19 PM.
Very fine building.
Fine architecture invaded by wires. The windows are very ornate and I can imagine what it was like when it was young.![]()
Trying to create a new human being,the "developers" of the Communism built these flats.After December 1989 the former Communists,who stand up over the people again and who teaches to the stupids Democracy and Principles of the Capitalism ,constructed this fountains-without water- to better the look of these monstrosities.
As usually you are right.Thanks.
Last edited by Radu Dinu Cordeanu; 29th June 2013 at 04:29 PM.
After the communists finished the borrowed money from the Western countries,the trying of pulling down the history of this town was stopped.In such way,it could say,that almost 200 monuments from this town was saved.To commemorate the memory of The King Carol The First,who pushed Craiova toward modernization,a statue was raised in front of this high-school from the 19th c.,not too many years ago.But to write the name Carol I is a very hard mission for the former communists.
Last edited by Radu Dinu Cordeanu; 12th July 2013 at 05:55 PM.
Perhaps the shadows are spectres of the past guarding their legacy. Is the Lyric theatre named after a Greek ?
I was not at home,so I saw your commentaries just now.Thanks to all very much!!!!!