Hi all. Been messing about in my home studio to have a break from all the waves with the seascapes. Anyway, as my children are getting a little tired of being my guinea pigs, I thought, right...it must be the Dog's turn.
One of the following fun shots you might have seen because I entered it into one of the mini comps...Didn't win as there were some much more technically better shots but it really was just for fun anyway.
Each time I look at these, I laugh and just think of how much a great dog I actually have.
Yes, I am still laughing....
They are really just for fun but as usual, I appreciate any C C / Feedback from these because not shot much animals before and this was the first time I dragged him to the studio.
My daughter and I were laughing out loud pretty much all the time whilst taking these shots as I reckon you will imagine. She even tried to put a pair of her 'girly' sun glasses on but he didn't like those so nodded them off pretty sharp.
He preferred the 3d ones as depicted in the shots.
Hope at the very least, this will give you a smile.