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Thread: about portraits and macro

  1. #1

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    about portraits and macro

    hello every one , as u see in my profile I'm 16 years old but i loved photography 3 years ago and since then I'm in love with portraits and macro shoots and considering my short time in photography i need to gain experience so i just want some tips and tricks in the portraits and macros , i want techniques and how to make perfects exportures in this two kinds of photography ....

    waiting for you replies ...
    cheers .. Ahmed

  2. #2
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: about portraits and macro

    Provided focus and exposure are correct about the most important thing in all photography is lighting. Harsh shadows should be avoided but soft shadows showing contour and shape are usually essential. This is true for both portraits and macro.

  3. #3

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    Re: about portraits and macro

    Ahmed: I am going to tell you how to make perfect exposures, that is practice and learn from it, read and look at other's work, practice then practice some more then do everything over and over again. There is no fast method, learn to see the final result before you take the shot, see the light, learn from it, learn by way of practice until you see in your mind the image that you want. You will learn be see the light, as it moves and dances through the image that is what you practice to see is the light.



  4. #4

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    Re: about portraits and macro

    Hi Ahmed,

    Can you tell us what your camera/lens are so we can give specific suggestions.

    Btw, Are you in Egypt now. News says there's a lot of drama, human interest situations ongoing now.
    Maybe you can get some shots. Just set your cam to auto and fire away.



  5. #5
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: about portraits and macro


    Lighting and posing (including camera angles and focal lengths) are probably the most important facets of portrait photography...

    The tutorials found here on CiC will help you get started and put you a long way ahead of the learning curve.

    The great thing about digital photography is that once the equipment is purchased, the photography is virtually free.

    If you can get a willing subject to pose for you, that is a great plus!

    As far as photographing any civil disturbance. IMO, safety is the most important factor. Eventually you may become a paid photojournalist and consider it worthwhile to go into danger to achieve your photography but, now your safety should be the prime consideration..
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 27th July 2013 at 03:58 PM.

  6. #6

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    Re: about portraits and macro

    thanks every one .. in fact my camera is not a dslr but I'm willing to buy a one so can yo tell me what is the best entry-level camera with a resonable price i can buy ? ... And victor the drama and the human interest situations are in cairo and i live in hurghada .. anyways if i were in cairo i would be afraid to go even shopping so what about going out with a camera in the middle of the fire and the guns,come on man .. Richard thanks for your advice about safety you are right but i think hurghada ( if u know it ) is far from the unstable events in cairo .., And Allan i will do it , be sure .. Every one !! try to visit hurghada a lot of tourists come and they have a lot of fun and belive me there is a lot of beautiful views that syou can take beautiful photos in it .. so tell me wich camera i could buy .. waiting for your suggestions

    Sorry my english is not very good
    cheers ..

  7. #7
    Jim B.'s Avatar
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    Re: about portraits and macro

    Hi Ahmed,

    Your English is pretty good. Next you need to give us your budget(what you can spend) for purchasing a camera and lenses.

  8. #8

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    Re: about portraits and macro

    lets say that i have now 3200 EGP i think that is equal to 533 dollars i think .. As u know the egyptian pound is not a very high currency

  9. #9
    HaseebM's Avatar
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    Re: about portraits and macro

    Hi Ahmed, to me the best entry level camera is Canon's 550D, however there are offerings from other brands like Nikon or Sony etc., so chose wisely as this will open up a whole new list of options. A good portraiture and macro lens would be advisable. I have Canon's EF 85mm which is excellent and 100mm Macro IS which can double up for portraiture work as well. Lighting as others suggested is important for both, especially portraiture where subtle lighting or soft lighting can make a difference in your photographs.

    I would also suggest, aside from the excellent advice you get from fellow members, to also read on the tutorials here on CiC. Let us know your decision.

  10. #10
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: about portraits and macro

    As far as recommending a camera within your budget, that is a difficult thing since most of us don't know the camera prices in Egypt or the customs regulations regarding the purchase of a camera from outside your country.

    Often, a photographer can get a better deal on a used camera than buying a new one. However, a new photographer might not know how to select and inspect a used camera to make sure that it is working satisfactorily. But, if there is a trustworthy source for used equipment (a friend or a trustworthy store) a used camera might be the way to get the greatest capability for your money.

    You need to decide if shooting video with your DSLR is a factor in which you would be interested. If not, that opens quite a few avenues in used camera gear.

    One of the best buys in used cameras here in the USA (considering the capability/price ratio) might be the Canon 40D. I still have and use one and have been impressed with its capabilities over the years that I have shot with it. Donald uses the 40D also and is satisfied with the performance of that camera. The Canon 30D is less expensive but, I consider the 40D to be a superior camera (I have used and owned both) and worth the bit of extra money.

    I would suggest that the lens or lenses you select will have more of an impact on your image quality than the camera you select. I would opt for the best lens you could afford. You may, if purchasing a used camera, get one with a lens or two.

    You need a computer (which I assume you have access to) and an editing program. There are free editing programs such as Picasa which work quite well and the Photoshop Elements 8 (and later) can be had for a low price. I would probably first work with Picasa and invest your money in equipment.

    Good luck in your endeavors.

  11. #11

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    Re: about portraits and macro

    okay thats good but which is the best lenses for me as a new dslr photographer considering that i'm very interested in portraits

  12. #12
    HaseebM's Avatar
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    Re: about portraits and macro

    Quote Originally Posted by ahmed View Post
    okay thats good but which is the best lenses for me as a new dslr photographer considering that i'm very interested in portraits
    40mm STM or 50mm 1.8 or if within your budget, the 60mm Canon macro.

  13. #13

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    Re: about portraits and macro

    Quote Originally Posted by nimitzbenedicto View Post
    Btw, Are you in Egypt now. News says there's a lot of drama, human interest situations ongoing now. Maybe you can get some shots. Just set your cam to auto and fire away.
    But stay out of harms way. Experienced news photographers have learned to balance "getting the shot" with "staying alive". No picture is "to die for...".

    Just read the rest of the thread... unanimous. Don't die trying to get the perfect shot.
    Last edited by skilsaw; 30th July 2013 at 02:30 AM.

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