As I said in the previous comment, this is an excellent thread mate,
I think most people will miss your original point if they take too much notice of the replies regarding the defense of shooting solely in a JPEG format.
Your original post was to educate people as to the benefit of shooting "raw" in a certain situation, and to point out the (the excellent, in my opinion) result.
As I said in my previous comment, most of us here understand the benefits and drawbacks of all sorts of our own camera presets and settings. We all understand our own commitments to whatever output requirements demand.
But as Dan said in the original post,
"The intent of this post is in the context of the CIC aim of being a learning forum. The aim is to provide ONE point of view on digital photography. It's neither right nor wrong, it is just a demonstration of one path to the desired end result of quality imagery. Other people do things differently and produce as good or better results. The point is that each of us has to develop an understanding of digital photography and a process from field to end result that works for the specific individual and/or for a specific need."
That paragraph is so eloquent.
A learning forum.
Message ends.