Hi Christina
My f stop settings are determined by the camera. At the moment I simply select speed, and try to calculate the amount of compensation needed depending on the brightness of the day. That is where I can come unstuck.
My biggest issue is getting the panning speed correct, and the focus as the cars are moving into and out of focus as I pan. Not only because I am panning but because the cars or on a cornier.
I think the Tulloch car was f32, chosen by the camera. On a day like that I wish I could go down in ISO, simply to try a different setting. It was a bright day.
Sorry can't be any more help.
At 1/80th it is hard for me to get keepers.
Do ya remember my skeet suggestion...be smooth.
Thank you Robin, helpful to know... Chauncey, yes I do Thanks
And if I am not taking a photo for a specific purpose, (e.g. part of a team I am supporting) I look for what will make a good photo, a pretty picture, nice colours etc. So with my 3 my last one, which I think is the sharpest of the 3 is not so good in terms of being a "pretty picture". But he is a good race driver!~!