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Thread: Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge - Istanbul

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Istanbul, Turkey
    Real Name
    Murat Batmaz

    Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge - Istanbul

    Which one do you guys prefer and what do you think of this shot? C&C welcome.

    Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge - Istanbul
    Otagtepe-BW by batmura, on Flickr

    Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge - Istanbul
    Otagtepe-SC by batmura, on Flickr

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge - Istanbul

    Hi Murat,

    First off, they are both a bit dark, but perhaps there's a reason you wanted that look(?)

    I find both shots very busy - lots of different shapes and tones competing for attention; the flag, the clouds, the leaves top left, the bridge, the city skyline, the river.

    With a cloudless sky, the leaves might be OK, but as it stands, I'd suggest they just add confusion.

    In the first, the flag is well hidden due to its brightness of B&W conversion against the dark sky, this is addressed in the second, but if the subject is supposed to be the bridge, I have to ask; why attract attention to the flag?

    Hope that's helpful,

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Istanbul, Turkey
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    Murat Batmaz

    Re: Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge - Istanbul

    Dave, this is very helpful feedback! I really appreciate it and will take everything you said into consideration. I have another shot from a different angle without the bridge and would welcome your comments on it.

    Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge - Istanbul
    Otagtepe by batmura, on Flickr

  4. #4
    Marie Hass's Avatar
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    Re: Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge - Istanbul

    This is an interesting scene! For reasons that Dave mentioned, can you back off the HDR processing a tad? It is difficult for my eye to appreciate one particular detail, except for the second, the red flag grabs my attention.


  5. #5
    Marie Hass's Avatar
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    up on a knob above Paden City, West Virginia
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    Marie Hass

    Re: Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge - Istanbul

    Aha!! Much better!!! For me, at least.


  6. #6
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge - Istanbul

    Quote Originally Posted by batmura View Post
    Dave, this is very helpful feedback! I really appreciate it and will take everything you said into consideration. I have another shot from a different angle without the bridge and would welcome your comments on it.
    This is a simpler composition.

    Although I am still unconvinced by the need to frame the bridge with the foreground trees/bushes.
    I would have shot from a pace or two further forward and tried one shot without leaves on either side and another shot without leaves on left - still keeping them on the right (to give depth), but not obstructing the bridge tower.

    I find the blue sky unnaturally a bit too dark, but the clouds are better, picking up from Marie's comment on HDR.

    Again, I hope that's helpful,

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