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Thread: Electric rain! ( impressionist)

  1. #21

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    Re: Electric rain! ( impressionist)

    You've done it again Sharon - made a truly artistic image, suffering angst, suffering from controversial criticisms - and all the while indicating where we could go or build upon your vision - if we're clever enough!
    I'm still waiting for news of your exhibition ..........

  2. #22

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    Re: Electric rain! ( impressionist)

    Hi Sharon...... I like it.......very much !


  3. #23

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    Re: Electric rain! ( impressionist)

    My immediate first reaction (the emotional reaction, before the analytical side kicks in) was that I was bothered by the blue bag. Perhaps how bright or the hue. Then the analytical side of the brain kicks in and's an abstract, bits don't necessarily all fit in a proper normal perception way. Emotionally,somehow the bag made me slightly nauseous but the rest of the image soothed.

    Very interesting technique, particularly when viewed by someone such as myself who is still cautiously approaching the sliders in Lightroom trying not to make a mess of things.

    I doubt I will ever take your approach to the craft but that doesn't diminish my enjoyment of your art. Keep pushing that envelope.

    Andrew McDermott

  4. #24

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    Re: Electric rain! ( impressionist)

    Sharon If Monet could see your image he would have throwaway his brushes it fills me with envy

  5. #25
    Daisy Mae's Avatar
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    Re: Electric rain! ( impressionist) indeed, it was Dave who mentioned the direction of the rain which is why it was him I quoted and not you.

    George...'no umbrella or headgear'. Here in Scotland we are subject to rain out of a cloudless blue sky so preparation for it is futile. We just get wet.

    Andrew...I wasn't keen on the blue bag either at first but when I thought about it 'Electric' usually denotes bright colours and the picture loses something without it's vibrancy.Urban Scotland can be rather drab in the rain.

    Pania, Griddi, Victor, Travis, Greg thank you all for your lovely and amusing comments. You are a great bunch!

    Tony, I don'think monet would have much to worry about but thank you!
    Last edited by Daisy Mae; 22nd October 2013 at 12:26 PM. Reason: to include response to new post

  6. #26
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Electric rain! ( impressionist)

    Quote Originally Posted by Daisy Mae View Post
    Urban Scotland can be rather drab in the rain.
    And the rural part ain't much better. Actually, it can also be spectacular. Why do you think I'm so taken with low contrast, grey images. It's built in to my DNA! I grew up in a place that has one of the highest rainfalls per annum in the UK.

  7. #27
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Electric rain! ( impressionist)

    Quote Originally Posted by Daisy Mae View Post
    Have ye ever visited Scotland?

    Our rain comes from all angles..sometimes if not mostly.. simultaneously
    It has been a very long time (probably 1982) since I were last there, if you discount a dalliance over Hadrian's Wall about 3-4 years ago. But now you mention it, it did rain in '82

    In fact I now recall it actually rained inside the hotel lounge - the owner said it was a leak from a bathroom above, but I know rain when I see it! (even if it is coming through the light fitting)

    Quote Originally Posted by Daisy Mae View Post
    ...........more importantly I flagged this up in the title as 'Electric rain' ( impressionist )

    It is an impressionist piece and as such it really shouldn't matter a jot which direction the rain is perceived to be falling..............should it?
    It matters to me, because I was an electrical engineer

    (but point taken)

  8. #28
    Daisy Mae's Avatar
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    Re: Electric rain! ( impressionist)

    Haaa..thanks for that Dave!

    Rain is something we do so spectacularly well here that I am often amazed it hasn't found a way of denying gravity and raining 'up' the way as well.

  9. #29

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    Re: Electric rain! ( impressionist)

    I like it (I think) but prefer your simpler work a lot better. This one looks too "confused" for want of a better word.

  10. #30
    Daisy Mae's Avatar
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    Re: Electric rain! ( impressionist)

    Quote Originally Posted by Bobobird View Post
    I like it (I think) but prefer your simpler work a lot better. This one looks too "confused" for want of a better word.
    Actually those are my thoughts on it too Bobo. It's a bit too 'busy' I think I will go back to being more 'Zen'!

  11. #31
    James G's Avatar
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    Re: Electric rain! ( impressionist)

    Sharon, I've been offline for the last week or so and am just catching up.

    You are your own most critical critic, as is only right.

    However, I think it is sensational and would happily hang it and look at it with great pleasure for a long time to come.

    Emotionally it satisfies me, and as regards critical analysis, well I'm afraid Michael Angelo could not depict real women and Dali seemed to have problems with Picasso's eyesight, so I'll keep my technical review in room 101.


  12. #32
    Daisy Mae's Avatar
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    Re: Electric rain! ( impressionist)

    Quote Originally Posted by James G View Post

    Emotionally it satisfies me, and as regards critical analysis, well I'm afraid Michael Angelo could not depict real women and Dali seemed to have problems with Picasso's eyesight, so I'll keep my technical review in room 101.

    Thank you so much James...that really made me smile. x

  13. #33
    Dusty's Avatar
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    Re: Electric rain! ( impressionist)

    To me it's like a vivid dream that you are in and nothing appears natural and everything is back to front and there are explosions of colour and objects and things do strange things like the the rain which appears to rotate and move in funny angles.
    I look at this and your previous images and they are art to me and you can let your mind wander and there is no fixed rules that you follow, your mind is free and there is a explosion of excitement in the way that everytime you look at the image there is something else that you see. I could sit and look at this for hours and I know I would let my mind wander and engross the image and all that is in it.
    Truly inspirational image.

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