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Thread: Lightroom plugin for camera shake!

  1. #1
    JPS's Avatar
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    Lightroom plugin for camera shake!

    Please look at this link, has anyone used this plugin? Does it work?
    I do not have Adobe Lightroom myself so cannot try it.

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Lightroom plugin for camera shake!

    Looks somewhat the same as the Shake Reduction filter that is built into PhotoShop CC, so I can comment on that.

    It seems to try to enhance edge definition, so it really is very similar to what some of the the sharpening tools do. I've played with it in situations with a bit of motion blur and it does sharpen the image. Will it rescue a badly blurred image? I rather doubt it.

    This is a shot of a before and after the Photoshop CC camera shake reduction filter was applied (view at 100%). It is a hand-held shot and the bike was going by me at somewhere around 20 km/hr (12.5 mph).

    Lightroom plugin for camera shake!
    Last edited by Manfred M; 15th October 2013 at 07:09 PM.

  3. #3
    JPS's Avatar
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    Re: Lightroom plugin for camera shake!

    Thanks Manfred,
    I sort of guessed this type of tool would only have limited success. However, I can see there could be the odd occasion where it might be useful. I for one will continue to try and use good settings / tripod / remote release etc., before using this type of product.
    Thanks for the feed-back, very much appreciated.

  4. #4
    Davey's Avatar
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    Re: Lightroom plugin for camera shake!

    I think Manfred is right on the doubt it'll save it since the info you're after wasn't captured so there is nothing for it to work with. Minor softness like in his photo can be improved but I find filters etc wont ever fix a broken photo since what you put in ALWAYS effects what you get out.

    I used to hold too tightly to the as low an iso as possible and was reluctant to up it and also took tripod with me when it would have been more productive to leave at home as it slowed me down with setup and what not. For me some grain is definitely the preference over blur/shake for those "one shot chances" that you wont get again and it's in one or lose it and where prior setup isn't an option or you need to move quick. Obviously low light is another story.

  5. #5
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: Lightroom plugin for camera shake!

    I might give the free trial a go, but of course I'll need to find an example of camera shake to try it on

    Have seen the price for the LR plug-in? £79

    Serious question. Are camera shake and movement blur subject to the same kind of correction? I guess one involves the sensor moving while the subject remains still, and the other vice versa.

  6. #6
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Lightroom plugin for camera shake!

    Quote Originally Posted by davidedric View Post
    Serious question. Are camera shake and movement blur subject to the same kind of correction? I guess one involves the sensor moving while the subject remains still, and the other vice versa.
    I would suspect that they are gnerally not. Motion blur is due to the subject moving, which will be blurred, but areas around the subject that are not moving could be tack sharp. As an example; mount your camera on a tripod, use a slow shutter speed and capture someone running across the camera's FoV; background would be sharp, but the runner would be blurred.

    With camera shake, everything will blurred, as the camera will be moving with respect to the whole scene.

  7. #7
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Image Stabilization Helps reduce Camera Shake

    I once looked down my nose at IS capability in shorter lenses like the Canon 17-55mm f/2.8 IS. However since using this lens almost since it originally was introduced, I have found that IS is a great addition.

    Sure, I used non-IS lenses and got good pictures. However the Image Stabilization just expands my capabilities like in this shot I did hand held over the heads of a crowd in Hong Kong at 55mm using 1/25 second @ f/2.8. A shorted focal length would have included the crowd and I was shooting at the highest ISO that my camera (30D at the time) was capable of producing good imagery.

    Lightroom plugin for camera shake!

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