I didn't mean to say that we poor Linux users are abandoned, just please note that there is a group of users that cannot use photoshop, thus has to use something else.. I agree, there's a lot more information available for photoshop c.s. than for any other program.
On the other hand, photoshop has a price, whether through the cloud or through 'traditional' pricing. If both are the same, fine, but that's a discussion that we've had here already (iirc,

). Is that price justified for every amateur? Not all of them spend several thousands of € on equipment, so do they need the top editing program? Of course, using something else can be more time consuming, or less easy to use. But that's a choice each has to make for himself. I'm not convinced that there are things you can do in photoshop and not with another program.
One thing to note here: if you use other programs, you might need several programs to get all the functionalities you want, that photoshop offers in one package. E.g. I use one program for raw development and basic editing, another for pixel level editing (with layers and masks), and a third for panorama stitching and such. Less convenient, but it works for me.