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Thread: Nikon Df

  1. #21
    Letrow's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon Df

    I am a big Nikon fan and loved my FE2 to bits. This camera reminds me of it (maybe more of the F4 as someone on the internet already remarked), but I don't really get this camera at the same time.
    Sweet looks, but I have my doubts about the functionality of this all, especially when you are in the dark and have to figure out what dial you need for a specific function.

    Who is the target group for this? Me, a fifty something old guy who had a similar camera in the past and wants to be reminded of that? Young people? I can't imagine young people going for this. If you want retro there are probably nicer looking cameras to be found.
    And for myself?

    The sensor sounds great, I mean you get Nikon's top sensor in this camera, but the price is quite hefty at the same time.
    I actually like the modern cameras and the way their buttons are laid out. They work, look fine to me and the price is more or less right.
    At this price point the Df is not interesting at all (to me). At a lower price I might consider it, but even then I'd have my doubts.

    Not a big success for Nikon is my feeling.

  2. #22

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    Re: Nikon Df

    Quote Originally Posted by Letrow View Post
    Sweet looks, but I have my doubts about the functionality of this all, especially when you are in the dark and have to figure out what dial you need for a specific function.
    Peter, guess that is why we need to know our cameras. Finding a button or dial without looking.

    The more I read about this one and the more I look at images of it the more I want to need it.

    But that price: will have to wait and see the reviews before we can make a final judgment.

  3. #23
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    Re: Nikon Df

    Quote Originally Posted by AB26 View Post
    Peter, guess that is why we need to know our cameras. Finding a button or dial without looking.

    The more I read about this one and the more I look at images of it the more I want to need it.

    But that price: will have to wait and see the reviews before we can make a final judgment.
    You might be right. I found that the HK version of the Nikon Df actually looks quite good, so I might wait for that one.

  4. #24
    ajohnw's Avatar
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    Re: Nikon Df

    After reading this I suspect that they didn't involve anyone who actually used a film camera.

    It's more of a what shall we do next camera. A big step up on Canon's telephoto lenses colour change. It will be pretty obvious if some one is using one. I'm always inclined to feel this aspect is intended to cause people who see some one using things like this to touch their forelock in respect. Wrong way to put it but that might gain sales but over all to me it sounds like a bit of a lemon. Not sure how many countries understand that UK expression.

    It also gave me pause for thought. Grips and remembering using film cameras where of course the iso was fixed as soon as the film was put in and the 1st shot taken really as it might be pushed or held back in processing. Did these camera have grips. Initially no and plenty of room to grip the camera at either end. Grips give more room for batteries. Locking the knobs seems a but perverse on a digital camera.

    Basically sounds like a marketing man's dream and a photographers nightmare to me and most will use it electronically and buy for show. No doubt many reviews will say the knobs are wonderful. Maybe not.


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