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Thread: First try with off camera flash is our Christmas card

  1. #1
    Scott Stephen's Avatar
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    First try with off camera flash is our Christmas card

    I just got 3 Phottix Mitros+ speedlites and my first serious attempt is this, for the Chrismas card. I hope it is adequate, or at least that the subject's cuteness will make up for the shortcomings of the photographer! This is a low key shot with bokeh balls, and a shoot-thru umbrella.

    First try with off camera flash is our Christmas card

  2. #2
    Scott Stephen's Avatar
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    Re: First try with off camera flash is our Christmas card

    Mind you, the 23 month-old subject may look posed, but this was a really challenging action shot. Like shooting a squirrel on Ritalin. Movement on every axis; front - back, side - side, and at this particular point she was inexplicably bobbing up and down yelling "jump! jump!"

  3. #3

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    Re: First try with off camera flash is our Christmas card

    Nice first attempt. Immediately much better than on camera flash isn't it ?
    Being really critical :- I'd say the light was maybe a bit harsh, experiment with moving the umbrella closer to (for a softer light)
    and further from (for a harsher light) the subject.
    As for extremely mobile subjects - superglue is a reasonably inexpensive fix

  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: First try with off camera flash is our Christmas card

    Nice first attempt Scott. The out of focus balls work quite nicely with the theme. I can just imagine how difficult it was to take a young and energetic subject. When my girls were that young and the camera came out, they would run away, so you are lucky to have at least gotten a shot in.

    I find the lighting ratio is a bit harsh for for such a delicate subject. If you get a chance to retry something like this, think about using either a plain white reflector just out of camera view on the right (I use a piece of foam core - the back of a school project board that came home at the end of term) or a second flash set about 1-stop lower as a fill light from the right. I think you would get a softer, more pleasing image.

  5. #5
    Scott Stephen's Avatar
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    Re: First try with off camera flash is our Christmas card

    Hi. Thanks. I agree a 2nd light would be helpful, and I kind of intended to do that, or a foam core, but it was a rather hurried thing before bedtime as I had procrastinated about making the card so long.
    The biggest problem was she kept running up close and overexposing herself, and then running back to the twinkle lights and under exposing herself. I would try the superglue suggestion but her mother probably wouldn't let me!
    I am really liking this and I intend to do a lot more with it. Thanks for the input from more seasoned lighting users!

  6. #6
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: First try with off camera flash is our Christmas card


    IMO, your shot of the little lady peeking out from between the trees shows her beauty better...

    In this type of shot I would consider bounced on camera flash using a Joe Demb Flash Diffuser Pro. I don't have an image to share of a little girl shot that way. However, it gives very soft lighting as indicated by this image...

    First try with off camera flash is our Christmas card

  7. #7
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: First try with off camera flash is our Christmas card

    Hi Scott,

    I certainly don't count myself as an expert, but my tuppenny ha'penny suggestion would be to clone out, or dim a little further, the bit of arm visible in lower left corner.

    I am impressed that you got this focused on her right eye at f/2 with the 85mm on the Canon 6D (at iso 50 and 1/180s).


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