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Thread: which would show better

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    wm c boyer

    which would show better

    I have a fair number of BIF series such as this...which would show better the series or
    a group of the individual images?

    which would show better

    which would show better

    Gotta work on that saturation when converting to web.

  2. #2
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: which would show better

    I don't think it is so much a case of one or the other but rather each is a satisfying image in its own right.

    I would experiment with the cropping on the second one Chauncey, as the reflection appears to be headless and that may detract from the overall view.

  3. #3
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: which would show better

    Group shot to imply motion, single shot for moment in time.

  4. #4
    Downrigger's Avatar
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    Re: which would show better

    Well, to the extent the audience you are asking about may be unschooled and unsophisticated here's a point of view:

    Wildlife photos are cool because animals are interesting and often beautiful. But they can be pretty stale once you've seen a bunch. "Another" bird image becomes a great bird image if the bird is doing something interesting, is in a truly unusual frame (composition and light) is interacting with another animal, or is part of a group.

    To me, the second photo here is just another pretty bird shot, (indeed, one I'd be proud to claim in my portfolio), but the first is interesting and compelling AND pretty because it has more implicit story, it has rhythm, and is somehow more rich.

  5. #5

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    Re: which would show better

    Quote Originally Posted by FrankMi View Post
    I don't think it is so much a case of one or the other but rather each is a satisfying image in its own right.
    I agree.

    The only thing I can add is that I suspect that people will never tire of shots of the lone subject. In contrast, I think people will tire of the composite shot if they see too much of it; the concept can eventually become gimmicky even when executed as well as yours. My vote would be for a mix of the two concepts over time.

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    Re: which would show better

    I prefer the individual shot. I find myself taking time to look through the individual details in the shot while, with the first, I digest it more whole. Plus, I think there are too many birds in the first. Maybe three, the 1st, 3rd, and 5th, would give the best of both worlds.

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