Originally Posted by
To my mind Gordon asked a question about what makes a good B & W, not what tools are available to help make a good B & W. I think that's a very diffeernt question. There are lots of tools available to help make a good B & W, but all of them are only there to enable a vision to be realised and skills to be be brought out and given expression. They do not make a good B & W image. The person does that.
If it hadn't been for the fact that Richard is now a member of the forum with a number of posts behind him, I would have deleted this as a spam message. It just came across as a piece of blatant marketing. There was no explanation about context or purpose, only a call to use this particular piece of software.
I'd suggest that when we recommend a particular piece fo software to a fellow member, we explain the in the context of trying to help answer the question(s) that has been asked, particularly why that particular piece of software is being suggested and not any other. This forum is not a sales tool for any single product.