This is a great theme, Frank. I've always loved contemplating the little details in nature. Just pausing to sit and study a mossy log or a patch of forest floor reveals amazing little details. In high latitudes and/or high elevations, the tundra provides a whole world rendered in miniature. In early summer there is a plethora of tiny flowering plants that must complete the annual cycle in a matter of a few days. Due to the short growing season and severe weather conditions, everything has adapted by being very small thereby requiring few nutrients, growing low to the ground thus wind resistant, and able to sprout, bloom, and go to seed in a very short time span.
Due to being interested in this sort of thing and before I got serious about shooting wildlife I fancied that I'd get into macro. I've put that on hold but once in a while poke about a bit. Here are a couple of shots from over the years that I'm at least not ashamed of.
I believe this is bog rosemary. This shot came at some expense. It was drizzling rain, I was lying on my side on wet moss, and the Alaska mosquitoes were living up to their fierce reputation.
This mountain harebell was taken during a hike in the mountains near my home under much better conditions than the shot above.