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Thread: My first barn...

  1. #1
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    My first barn...

    We went to Creve Coeur, Maryland Heights yesterday to tidy up some things at our hangar and I decided to go around the block a little because this place was actually part of the farm (turning commercial properties slowly) bought by the owners of the airport. They now own 375 acres (?) I saw a few old farming equipment and at the side of the airport, this barn:

    For C&C -- if I have to reshoot, I can still go back as that place will not go away yet tomorrow or next week...Thanks...

    My first barn...

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: My first barn...


    Nice image. There are so many possibilities with this structure for a re-shoot and they would all give you a new perspective on what can be achieved. I would try some low light shots with and without flash or even using a flashlight for a long exposure.

  3. #3
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: My first barn...

    Very beautiful; just desired the presence of a gracing cow in the foreground....
    By the way, why you cut short your original beautiful name?

  4. #4

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    Re: My first barn...

    I agree with John Isabel, this barn is worth working on it. You can even try B&Ws with some of the shots

  5. #5

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    Re: My first barn...

    My main concern, Izzie, is with that bright yellow object in the bottom right corner. Is it a boat?

    This is causing distraction which is greater than its actual size.

    I would either selectively tone it down a little or crop to remove it.

    Should there be more foreground? But just a little bit. Not really sure without seeing an alternative shot.

    Is there a fraction too much sky? Is there any point in showing anything above the top of that whole tree?

    If this is full size (uncropped) and if you are going to experiment with more shots, I would shoot a fraction wider to give more cropping options. Assuming that is possible.

    But to be honest, there isn't a lot that I would change with this scene.

  6. #6
    Stagecoach's Avatar
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    Re: My first barn...

    Hi Izzie,

    Um, to me what it looks like is that you have a great subject here but the question is do the superfluous items around it allow you to make the most of the barn? Then again there's another way of looking at it in that the junk may enhance portraying its use rather than it's beauty.

    One other comment I'll make is that you framed it too tight on the left and I say this because I did this with an image yesterday which has ruined what I consider could have been the best capture I have achieved in many years and I'm beating myself up real hard over it


  7. #7

    Re: My first barn...

    beautiful! nice subject for its endless possibilities..sunset or sunrise shot perhaps?

  8. #8
    Downrigger's Avatar
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    Re: My first barn...

    Nice barn. Good job. Should be fun to work with. They are easier when more isolated. What is it about barns that so many of us find compelling?

  9. #9

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    Re: My first barn...

    That sounds funny. Your first barn. My wife frequently claims I was born in one

    As others have said, plenty of opportunity there.

  10. #10
    rtbaum's Avatar
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    Re: My first barn...

    Congrats on your first barn. As to the composition, it has been said. A lot of potential there.

  11. #11
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: My first barn...

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post

    Nice image. There are so many possibilities with this structure for a re-shoot and they would all give you a new perspective on what can be achieved. I would try some low light shots with and without flash or even using a flashlight for a long exposure.
    I can't go there at night and if I do and use a flashlight, the owners might kill me, John... It is not really an abandoned barn. I had cut off the right side of this shot because the owners' house eaves are showing... I did not bring my laptop with me so I have to wait until I got home before I finally saw the result. To me, all my shots that day were but with a big BUT...I have to do a reshoot. We went to our hangar with three dogs and at the wrong time -- 3PM -- and the sun was way up in the sky...We could have stayed longer but we have to go home at 5:30pm and cook dinner for us and the doggies. Yes...the rascals do not eat kibbles. I cook their dinner each night..

    When we go back there I will just have to deal with the time and the sunshine and do PP...
    Last edited by IzzieK; 21st April 2014 at 11:54 PM.

  12. #12
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: My first barn...

    Quote Originally Posted by Wavelength View Post
    Very beautiful; just desired the presence of a gracing cow in the foreground....
    By the way, why you cut short your original beautiful name?
    I too wish they have cows but they don't Nandakumar...they have machines to work their farm and Mexicans (about a dozen of them or more...) who are their regular workers who travelled to their farm and stay with them from mid-Spring to Autumn. I think they stay in the other houses that are there...not too sure which one...

  13. #13
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    Re: My first barn...

    Quote Originally Posted by bnnrcn View Post
    I agree with John Isabel, this barn is worth working on it. You can even try B&Ws with some of the shots
    I tried...but I have to admit, I suck at it at the moment, but one of these days I will learn how to manipulate the mode to my me, B/W is a talent at how to do it, how much to process and when to stop processing...I am learning from this group...

  14. #14
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    Re: My first barn...

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    My main concern, Izzie, is with that bright yellow object in the bottom right corner. Is it a boat?

    This is causing distraction which is greater than its actual size.

    I would either selectively tone it down a little or crop to remove it.
    Maybe tone it down will be more like it ... I had cut off maybe at least 3 or 4 boats in the whole scene. I'd like to show the handheld pano of the place but I do not know how short on the long side should I cut it off to so I could show all the rubbish and machineries scattered throughout the place. Actually the front of the place is a fresh produce market open to the public from Spring to mid-Autumn. This barn is at the back of the property...or whatever is left on this side of the farm..

    Should there be more foreground? But just a little bit. Not really sure without seeing an alternative shot.
    The more reason why I shot the pano I was talking show what space there is in between the barn...just to get an idea how much I should crop of the whole scene..

    [QUOTE] Is there a fraction too much sky? Is there any point in showing anything above the top of that whole tree?[/UNQUOTE]

    Yes...there is too much sky. I thought I was compensating for the lack of whatever there is around the barn...I suck at this...

    If this is full size (uncropped) and if you are going to experiment with more shots, I would shoot a fraction wider to give more cropping options. Assuming that is possible.

    But to be honest, there isn't a lot that I would change with this scene.
    I have a funny feeling I should load the pano in Flickr and go from there by a link so you can see how the whole scene before me looked like...

    All good questions...all meant to make me think...Thank you...I appreciate this very much.

  15. #15
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    Re: My first barn...

    Quote Originally Posted by Stagecoach View Post
    Hi Izzie,

    Um, to me what it looks like is that you have a great subject here but the question is do the superfluous items around it allow you to make the most of the barn? Then again there's another way of looking at it in that the junk may enhance portraying its use rather than it's beauty.

    One other comment I'll make is that you framed it too tight on the left and I say this because I did this with an image yesterday which has ruined what I consider could have been the best capture I have achieved in many years and I'm beating myself up real hard over it

    I think I may have to enhance the garbage around it as it is not really an abandoned barn stuck in the middle of nowhere. I just thought I saw one around the new hangar buildings at at one time so I investigated and took some shots...

    Maybe you should had worked on a copy instead of the original...Mistakes are mistakes...that is how we learned...remember I also beat myself up for two years not picking up my camera. You are one of those who came to my aid and gave me a kick in the butt... I had a long hiatus...and keeping up is just the pitts at the moment...but I am persevering. It is like learning Photoshop over again..

    Thanks for commenting, Grahame. I really appreciate your help...

  16. #16
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    Re: My first barn...

    Quote Originally Posted by emmerick View Post
    beautiful! nice subject for its endless possibilities..sunset or sunrise shot perhaps?
    'Had no choice, Erick this was done at around 3-4 pm...I was trying to escape from the barking rascals in our hangar...rush-rush shots so the other hangar owners will not complain about them...

  17. #17
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    Re: My first barn...

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernFocus View Post
    That sounds funny. Your first barn. My wife frequently claims I was born in one

    As others have said, plenty of opportunity there.
    Thanks Mark and Dan for your comments... always makes me laugh...Thank you...I will smile at remembering this when I go to bed and tell my husband about your wife's comment. She is funny...tell her I love her sense of humour...

  18. #18

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    Re: My first barn...

    That's a good subject, Izzie. When I take wide open shots like this, I spend time exploring them on-screen for detail and alternative viewpoints for a return visit. There are obviously many opportunities in there if you get up-close and personal with it.

  19. #19

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    Re: My first barn...

    Quote Originally Posted by IzzieK View Post
    ...I cook their dinner each night..
    I thought it was just my bride that does that. Do you ladies know what you're putting us through? How stressful supper can be? Speaking from personal experience it's tough trying to figure out whether you're getting the right plate every night but not wanting to sound critical of your wife's cooking if something seems amiss. "Uhm, Sweetheart, are you sure you didn't give me the dog's food tonight?" Can you imagine?

  20. #20
    rtbaum's Avatar
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    Re: My first barn...

    I sometimes suspect the dog is getting fed better than I am!!!

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