You're still in the stage that you're not confident about how you want your images to look. Completely understandable.
Compare your last and next to last images:
- My choice would be to use the whitewater in the last image and everything else in the next to last image.
- Though the shadow areas in your last image are brighter, they don't reveal more detail; the same detail is present in the shadow areas of the next to last image, only not as bright. Don't confuse increased brightness with increased detail. Similarly, don't confuse decreased brightness with decreased detail.
- Compare the histograms of the two images. Notice that the data in the histogram of the next to last image extends closer to the left and right sides. That is one representation explaining why the last image looks comparatively flat. Always check your histogram! If the data doesn't extend to the left and right sides, lower your white point and raise your black point at least to determine if that helps. If not, that's fine but only if you don't want any true blacks or whites.