19th May 2014, 01:55 PM
19th May 2014, 02:08 PM
Re: salt lake
Site description The site lies in the eastern Zagros Mountains, 50-160 km east of Shiraz, and includes two very large salt-lakes, Tashk and Bakhtegan, in an internal drainage basin at 1,525 m, the intervening steppic plains and hills (to 2,597 m), and a large area of permanent freshwater marshes and seasonally flooded plains along the lower Kur river to the west (Kamjan Marshes). Lake Tashk is fed by overflow from the Kamjan Marshes at its west end and by a large permanent spring at Gumoon in the north-west. Lake Bakhtegan receives the bulk of its water from the main channel of the Kur which enters at the west. The two lakes are normally separated by narrow strips of land but may be joined during very wet winters to form a single expanse of water covering up to 136,500 ha. After several years of low rainfall, on the other hand, both lakes may dry out completely except in the vicinity of the main springs (e.g. Gumoon Spring at the north-west corner of Lake Tashk and Sahlabad Spring on the south shore of Lake Bakhtegan). Both lakes have an extraordinary range of salinities. In January 1992, the lakes were almost fully flooded, following several years of above-average rainfall. The lakes are oligotrophic and support a submerged vegetation of various algae, Chara, Ruppia and Althenia. Fringing vegetation consists of Tamarix, Suaeda, Cressa and Salicornia, and the area between the lakes comprises sparsely vegetated mountain ranges with some Pistacia woodland and steppic Artemisia plains.
19th May 2014, 02:53 PM
Re: salt lake
Nice image of a striking place, and interesting geography information, Vaez. We have a salt lake here in Utah and it seems to me it is a better reflector than fresh water, but I have no idea whether that is actually true - did you notice that here? If you had not told us this was a salt lake, I might have guessed it from the way the light plays on its surface.
19th May 2014, 03:34 PM
Re: salt lake
I like everything slightly below the horizon upwards, the foreground is too busy.
19th May 2014, 03:55 PM
Re: salt lake
Nice image Vaez,i agree with John, could do with a crop on the bottom and a slight clockwise turn!
19th May 2014, 06:22 PM
Re: salt lake
Vaez, nice image; give a 2 or 3 degree clockwise rotation to level the horizon
20th May 2014, 06:43 AM
Re: salt lake
thanks for
help me and guide me
20th May 2014, 07:29 AM
Re: salt lake
Nice image Vaez, I agree with all above comments
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